
fair housing

NCRC Comment Letter To The FTC And CFPB On Equity In The Tenant Screening Process

(Download) May 30, 2023 April Tabor Secretary Federal Trade Commission Office of the Secretary 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite CC-5610 (Annex B) Washington, DC 20580 Rohit Chopra Director Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1700 G St. NW Washington, DC 20552 Re: FTC-2023-0024-0033 Dear Secretary Tabor and Director Chopra: The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) appreciates the

NCRC Comment Letter To The FTC And CFPB On Equity In The Tenant Screening Process Read More »


US Department of Housing and Urban Development, September 2, 2021, HUD Awards Over $47 Million to Fight Housing Discrimination The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – through the Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) – has awarded $47.4 million to several organizations working in the fair housing issue-area. $34 million has been allocated to the

US Department of Housing and Urban Development: HUD AWARDS OVER $47 MILLION TO FIGHT HOUSING DISCRIMINATION Read More »

The Many Effects of Housing Discrimination on African Americans

Fair housing is a civil right protected by the Fair Housing Act (FHA). And yet, housing discrimination and segregation still persist, causing long-term societal effects in America. Segregation and discrimination in housing harm people’s health, their ability to accumulate wealth and the environment.

The Many Effects of Housing Discrimination on African Americans Read More »

President Biden Signs Executive Order Directing HUD to Address History of Systemic Racism

I applaud President Biden for signing four executive orders today that will help advance the goal of racial equity. The order directing HUD to address the nation’s long history of systemic racism in housing is of particular importance to us. Acknowledging the federal government’s role in perpetuating segregation, including the lasting impacts of redlining, is essential to addressing America’s ever growing racial wealth divide.

President Biden Signs Executive Order Directing HUD to Address History of Systemic Racism Read More »

Change is on the way, but it won’t be easy

Donald Trump’s victory four years ago was unimaginable to many, and an emotional blow that only got worse over time. Until now. The post election drama is mostly over. The Electoral College is done. We finally know: Joe Biden will be the 46th president, and Kamala Harris will be many firsts as vice president: Black, South Asian, woman, mom.

Change is on the way, but it won’t be easy Read More »

NCRC Condemns HUD’s Disparate Impact Rule

The Trump Administration has attacked one of the most vital pieces of civil rights legislation, the Fair Housing Act, on multiple fronts in the last several weeks. They gutted the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule that enforces fairness in housing. Now, they are effectively eliminating the disparate impact standard in fair housing cases.

NCRC Condemns HUD’s Disparate Impact Rule Read More »

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