
NCRC, Democracy Forward Sue Trump Administration for Withholding Data on Proposed Weakening of Community Reinvestment Act Protections

Missing Records Include Data and Analysis Cited in OCC and FDIC’s Plan, Which, if Adopted, Would Reduce Investment in Low- and Moderate-Income Communities

NCRC, Democracy Forward Sue Trump Administration for Withholding Data on Proposed Weakening of Community Reinvestment Act Protections Read More »

National and Community Groups Call on FDIC, OCC to Suspend CRA Rulemaking for COVID-19

A diverse coalition of community-based organizations called on the OCC and the FDIC to immediately suspend the comment period for the proposed changes to CRA until after the health and financial crisis brought on by the coronavirus global pandemic is over.

National and Community Groups Call on FDIC, OCC to Suspend CRA Rulemaking for COVID-19 Read More »

NCRC Applauds Congress and Trump Administration Efforts to Keep People in Their Homes, But More Needs to Be Done

“Today, we saw Congress and President Trump take important steps to protect Americans against both health and economic repercussions of COVID-19….this is a great first step, but there will need to be others,” said Jesse Van Tol, CEO of NCRC.

NCRC Applauds Congress and Trump Administration Efforts to Keep People in Their Homes, But More Needs to Be Done Read More »

NCRC Supports COVID-19 Housing And Financial Protections For Individuals and Small Businesses

The coronavirus is quickly spreading across America, raising concerns that aren’t only health related. While the full economic implications of the disease are still unknown, what we do know is that the people who will face the biggest financial impacts of COVID-19 are the same people who are already financially strapped.

NCRC Supports COVID-19 Housing And Financial Protections For Individuals and Small Businesses Read More »

Community Participation in Fair Housing Planning Process Under Threat

Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a new proposed rule to change the affirmatively furthering fair housing (AFFH) rule of the Fair Housing Act (FHA). This new proposal aims to set back years of progress by no longer enforcing meaningful community participation in the AFFH process. Without the crucial input of local community members who face housing inequalities, the new rule eliminates the main elements of accountability meant to address discrimination and inequality. 

Community Participation in Fair Housing Planning Process Under Threat Read More »

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