
A Time To March

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                            Contact:  Jesse Van Tol (202) 464-2709
May 5, 2009                                                                                                                                                      jvantol@ncrc.org

A Time To March
National coalition of hundreds of community organizations announces day of action in 50 cities to create jobs, stop foreclosures and rebuild communities

Washington, DC – A national coalition of community organizations announced today that it will hold public rallies in 50 cities across the country on June 11. The actions, which will call for greater federal efforts to create jobs, stop foreclosures and rebuild communities, come as the federal government continues to prop up financial institutions with trillions of dollars in investments and guarantees. Organizers working with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) will call on Congress to strengthen accountability measures for reckless and irresponsible lending practices by passing the Community Reinvestment Modernization Act of 2009 (HR 1479), enacting strong anti-predatory lending legislation and taking broader actions to prevent additional foreclosures.

“As the financial bailout continues, too little has been done to stem the tide of foreclosures and rebuild communities. And it is the most historically disadvantaged communities that are again being left behind,” said John Taylor, president and CEO of NCRC. “Congress failed to protect homeowners through anti-predatory lending legislation, and they’ve failed to prevent foreclosures through bankruptcy reform. Now is the time to put communities first. Now is the time for the people to be heard.”

“In these tough economic times, we must re-commit ourselves to rebuilding our communities,” stated Ted Wysocki, NCRC Board Chairman and CEO of the Local Economic & Employment Development [LEED] Council in Chicago. “To do so, we must stop millions more foreclosures and restore vacant homes for affordable housing. In order to avoid a worsening economic spiral, our primary objective must be to save and create jobs. Communities throughout the country are calling for Jobs & Homes Now!”

“In North Carolina, we’re fired up and ready to go,” said Stella Adams, of the North Carolina NAACP. “In the era of too big to fail, homeowners and taxpayers must be too active to be ignored. Rebuilding communities means putting the welfare of people over the welfare of Wall Street.”

“In Florida, this event getting people to work together in a way that haven’t done in a long time,” said Elbert Jones of the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority before more than 100 people in Florida who joined the first organizing call for NCRC’s Day of Action. “People are anxious about their future, and they’re taking action to support efforts to create jobs, stop foreclosures and rebuild our communities.”

Community organizers seeking to join the June 11 Day of Action can download the organizing toolkit and register their event at www.ncrc.org.

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