

OCC announces final rule to amend licensing procedures

Monday, the Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC) published a final rule amending its licensing and merger procedures that will make it more difficult for community groups to comment on bank merger applications.  Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, made the following statement: “It appears the OCC is doubling down

OCC announces final rule to amend licensing procedures Read More »

Pollution in Black neighborhoods part of Louisville’s systemic racism

This is one in a series of essays accompanying NCRC’s 2020 analysis that showed more chronic disease and greater risks from COVID-19 in formerly redlined communities. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy positions of NCRC.  Thousands of Black and

Pollution in Black neighborhoods part of Louisville’s systemic racism Read More »

OCC grants preliminary charter application for Social Finance, Inc., despite opposition

On Tuesday, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) granted a conditional approval to Social Finance, Inc. to create a nationally chartered bank called SoFi Bank despite opposition from national community groups, including the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC). 

OCC grants preliminary charter application for Social Finance, Inc., despite opposition Read More »

OCC’s new True Lender rule opens the door to more abusive lending

In a final rule issued Tuesday, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency sanctioned high-cost lending arrangements between state-licensed non-banks and national banks. As a result, payday lenders and others charging triple-digit interest rates will be able to conduct business in states where high-cost lending is prohibited by state law.

OCC’s new True Lender rule opens the door to more abusive lending Read More »

Monti Taylor

Resource Coordinator, DCWBC mtaylor@dcwbc.org 202-464-2304 Monti Taylor is passionate about community development work, from volunteering with environmental organizations to navigating resources for programming within a community center. She has worked on small grant projects and enjoys using research to uncover hidden patterns in society, with the goal of advocating for social change. She is currently working on

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NCRC applauds preliminary injunction to postpone effective date of HUD’s disparate impact Rule

Today, the United States District Court of Massachusetts found in favor of the Massachusetts Fair Housing Center and Housing Works, Inc. and issued a preliminary injunction to postpone the start date of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) new disparate impact rule, which had been finalized by the agency in September.

NCRC applauds preliminary injunction to postpone effective date of HUD’s disparate impact Rule Read More »

Economic Reparations: the Path “From Here to Equality”

In about 400 pages, “From Here To Equality” reviews the political history of the Black reparations movement, the effects of slavery on the nation’s development and the ongoing failure of the country to take action to bridge racial economic inequality. It also outlines a program for Black reparations. 

Economic Reparations: the Path “From Here to Equality” Read More »

With COVID-19 taking a new toll, a poor Black community in Alabama awaits justice for a 2008 industrial disaster

A dozen years after a gas and chemical leak ravaged their community, the residents of Eight Mile, Alabama, are still waiting for the federal government to take action against the companies responsible for it.

With COVID-19 taking a new toll, a poor Black community in Alabama awaits justice for a 2008 industrial disaster Read More »

NCRC disappointed by Senate vote against CRA resolution

Today, the Senate failed to pass H.R. Res 90, which would have overturned new rules on the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) finalized by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) in May. On a party line vote, Senate Democrats voted in support of the resolution that would nullify the OCC’s weakening of CRA rules, while Senate Republicans voted to keep them in place.

NCRC disappointed by Senate vote against CRA resolution Read More »

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