

Vox: The Supreme Court Will Decide If Trump Can Fire The Head of the CFPB. The Implications Are Enormous.

On March 3, the Supreme Court will hear Seila Law v. CFPB, which asks whether the president is allowed to fire the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) at will. That question may seem minor and esoteric, but the stakes underlying Seila Law are enormous.

Vox: The Supreme Court Will Decide If Trump Can Fire The Head of the CFPB. The Implications Are Enormous. Read More »

Nonprofit Quarterly: Proposed CRA Changes Threaten Access To Capital In Underserved Communities

Picture this: under the proposed regulations, a bank that invests in upgrading an athletic stadium located in a low- and moderate-income census tract, as long as it is in one of the Trump Administration’s “opportunity zones,” will get CRA credit.

Nonprofit Quarterly: Proposed CRA Changes Threaten Access To Capital In Underserved Communities Read More »

Associated Press: Crucial Bank Law Softened Under Trump Proposal

“We all agree there needed to be a list. The problem is what the (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) has put on that list,” said Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, an umbrella group for dozens of community groups trying to get banks to do more work in low-income neighborhoods.

Associated Press: Crucial Bank Law Softened Under Trump Proposal Read More »

Bloomberg: Behind Amazon’s HQ2 Fiasco: Jeff Bezos Was Jealous of Elon Musk

When Elon Musk secured $1.3 billion from Nevada in 2014 to open a gigantic battery plant, Jeff Bezos noticed. In meetings, the Amazon.com Inc. chief expressed envy for how Musk had pitted five Western states against one another in a bidding war for thousands of manufacturing jobs; he wondered why Amazon was okay with accepting comparatively trifling incentives.

Bloomberg: Behind Amazon’s HQ2 Fiasco: Jeff Bezos Was Jealous of Elon Musk Read More »

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