

NCRC Comment To CFPB: Enhancing Public Data On Auto Lending

December 19, 2022 Comment Intake Auto Lending Data Gaps Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1700 “G” St., NW Washington, DC 20052 RE: Enhancing Public Data on Auto Lending, Document ID CFPB-2022-0075-0001 Dear Sirs: Please accept this comment from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. The National Community Reinvestment Coalition and its grassroots member organizations create opportunities for

NCRC Comment To CFPB: Enhancing Public Data On Auto Lending Read More »

Banks Closed Branch Locations At An Alarming Rate As US Economy Reopened

The reopening of the US economy did not discourage banks from closing physical branch locations at an aggressive pace, new research from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) has found. “The banking industry is withdrawing from the most vulnerable communities in the country at an astounding clip despite the resumption of normal economic activity in

Banks Closed Branch Locations At An Alarming Rate As US Economy Reopened Read More »

REPORT: KeyBank Promised To Improve, Then Became The Worst Major Mortgage Lender For Black Homebuyers

Among the 50 biggest mortgage lenders, KeyBank ranked last on one important metric of racial inclusion. KeyBank’s broken promises to Black America have prompted a leading economic justice organization to break ties with the bank.

Broken Promises To Black America Prompt Community Advocate To Break Ties With Bank

REPORT: KeyBank Promised To Improve, Then Became The Worst Major Mortgage Lender For Black Homebuyers Read More »

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