

The Guardian: ‘Barely above water’: US shutdown hits black federal workers hardest

Black federal workers are at the front end of the financial burden that this government shutdown has placed on many federal workers. The large racial wealth gap makes black workers dependent on a steady flow of income and drastically disadvantaged when that income is delayed.

The Guardian: ‘Barely above water’: US shutdown hits black federal workers hardest Read More »

CityLab: Low-income renters face eviction, thanks to the government shutdown

As the government shutdown continues, low-income residents who depend on housing aid cannot receive assistance paying their rent. Landlords will not be able to afford to house these residents and will likely evict them. Advocated have reached out to Congress to highlight the impacts of the shutdown on low-income housing recipients.

CityLab: Low-income renters face eviction, thanks to the government shutdown Read More »

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