

The Root: Sen. Elizabeth Warren breaks down America’s ugly history housing discrimination and how she plans to fix it

The American Housing and EconomicMobility Act addresses the lingering effects of housing discrimination, the growing housing crisis, and the policies that have held back so many Americans.

The Root: Sen. Elizabeth Warren breaks down America’s ugly history housing discrimination and how she plans to fix it Read More »

Market Watch: A decade after the housing crisis, foreclosures still haunt homeowners

“The foreclosure crisis really started as a subprime lending crisis,” Van Tol said, referring to the extremely risky loans lenders made to borrowers with less-than-stellar credit in the lead up to the crisis. “Low-and-moderate income people and people of color were disproportionately targeted for these bad loans.”

Market Watch: A decade after the housing crisis, foreclosures still haunt homeowners Read More »

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