

American Banker: Cheat sheet: 5 pressure points in CRA reform debate

Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting “has said he wants to improve CRA, and if he does so in ways that increase lending and investments to low- and moderate-income communities, we will be the first to applaud it,” Jesse Van Tol, chief executive of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, said in a statement.

American Banker: Cheat sheet: 5 pressure points in CRA reform debate Read More »

The Hill: Top CFPB official resigns, accuses administration of turning its back on students’ financial futures

“The Bureau’s current leadership folded to political pressure… and failed borrowers who depend on independent oversight to halt bad practices,” writes CFPB top official, Seth Frotman, in his resignation letter.

The Hill: Top CFPB official resigns, accuses administration of turning its back on students’ financial futures Read More »

American Banker: OCC goes it alone on first step toward CRA overhaul

American Banker, August 28, 2018: OCC goes it alone on first step toward CRA overhaul The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued more than 30 questions Tuesday asking the public how it can revamp a 40-year-old law that grades banks on their lending to low- and moderate-income communities. The questions are included as

American Banker: OCC goes it alone on first step toward CRA overhaul Read More »

The New York Times: A green light for banks to start ‘redlining’ again

“To be sure, the Community Reinvestment Act, like most regulations, can be improved. We’re eager to work with the regulatory agencies, Congress, banks and the entire financial sector to modernize it,” writes Jesse Van Tol, chief executive at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.

The New York Times: A green light for banks to start ‘redlining’ again Read More »

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