

CityLab: How HUD Could Reverse Course on Racial Discrimination

“This new advance notice of proposed rulemaking appears to ask the kinds of questions that you might ask if you were trying to water down a rule,” says Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a nonprofit that promotes fair practices in lending and housing. “Are there loopholes that should be provided? Is the rule burdensome?”

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American Banker: White House pushes surprise Fannie, Freddie reform plan, but is it workable?

“By eliminating affordable housing goals from the conventional mortgage market, lenders can choose to loan only to the well-heeled rich and ignore everybody still working their way up the economic ladder,”- Jesse Van Tol on Fannie, Freddie reform plan.

American Banker: White House pushes surprise Fannie, Freddie reform plan, but is it workable? Read More »

The Washington Post: Four years after Michael Brown was shot by police, the neighborhood where he was killed still feels left behind

Only a fraction of the pledges for Ferguson reached the neediest parts of town. All the corporate goodwill – and millions in investments — were not enough to overcome a long legacy of racial discrimination and economic exclusion. Residents of Canfield Green, where Brown was shot and killed, say they feel abandoned.

The Washington Post: Four years after Michael Brown was shot by police, the neighborhood where he was killed still feels left behind Read More »

New York Times: 100,000 New jobs for New York: will enough go to poorer workers?

The city, which is preparing to release its first progress report on its effort, declined to share detailed data about the jobs it has created so far. But a coalition of labor and community groups says one obvious need has emerged: They say the city needs to do more to connect people in the city’s poorest neighborhoods to the new jobs.

New York Times: 100,000 New jobs for New York: will enough go to poorer workers? Read More »

Slides: Can we Preserve Affordable Housing in Gentrifying Neighborhoods

Presentation at the 2018 Just Economy Conference. by Preservation of Affordable Housing, Inc. Session Title: Can we Preserve Affordable Housing in Gentrifying Neighborhoods ? Fintechs and the big banks are redefining the “small dollar” loan in an effort to reach unbanked and underbanked communities. Advocates must understand these products and understand how they compare to “small

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