

Next City: Movement to get public money out of Wall Street comes to Wall Street

Public bank advocates argued that the status quo — private banks’ storing and managing of public funds — results in taxpayer money being directed to harmful purposes such as fracking, gun manufacturing and sales, and, particularly in NYC, developers who take out bank loans to acquire rent-stabilized buildings and flip them into market-rate apartments or condos.

Next City: Movement to get public money out of Wall Street comes to Wall Street Read More »

Sign-on letter regarding CRA regulatory reform

(Download PDF) June 13, 2018 Dear Chairman McWilliams, Comptroller Otting, and Chairman Powell: Since 1977, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) has driven inclusion and equity in the financial markets. The act compels banks to serve the credit needs of their communities. It became an indispensable tool for historically marginalized communities excluded from the financial mainstream.

Sign-on letter regarding CRA regulatory reform Read More »

St.Louis Post-Dispatch: Discriminatory mortgage lending harder to detect as banking regulations rolled back, critics say

“This is purportedly a way to reduce burden. However, because the data points covered by the rule are already collected by lenders, the burden associated with the rule is minimal,” according to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition letter.

St.Louis Post-Dispatch: Discriminatory mortgage lending harder to detect as banking regulations rolled back, critics say Read More »

Madison: Discriminatory mortgage lending harder to detect as banking regulations rolled back, critics say

“This is purportedly a way to reduce burden. However, because the data points covered by the rule are already collected by lenders, the burden associated with the rule is minimal,” according to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition letter.

Madison: Discriminatory mortgage lending harder to detect as banking regulations rolled back, critics say Read More »

The Streets: Black employees at Citigroup decline for 8th straight year

“We are concerned about this trend throughout the financial services industry,” said Stella Adams, Chief of Equity and Inclusion at National Community Reinvestment Coalition, an organization that works to promote diversity in banking, housing and business. “Many minority borrowers are looking for trusted financial advisors that reflect the diversity of the marketplace. A recent report from the GAO shows that the industry is underperforming based upon the talent available in the workforce.”

The Streets: Black employees at Citigroup decline for 8th straight year Read More »

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Discriminatory mortgage lending harder to detect as banking regulations rolled back, critics say

Under the new law, smaller banks with fewer than 500 closed-end loans or open-end credit lines do not have to report the additional data fields required by Dodd-Frank. The banks still collect the data, according to a letter sent to Congress by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, but are not required to report it.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Discriminatory mortgage lending harder to detect as banking regulations rolled back, critics say Read More »

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