

Market Screener: CFPB Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: FFIEC Announces Availability of 2020 Data on Mortgage Lending

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) today announced the availability of data on 2020 mortgage lending transactions at 4,475 U.S. financial institutions reported under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). Covered institutions include banks, savings associations, credit unions, and mortgage companies.

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CNN Politics: Supreme Court dismisses challenge to Affordable Care Act leaving it in place

The Supreme Court dismissed a challenge to the Affordable Care Act on Thursday in a decision that will leave the law intact and save health care coverage for millions of Americans. The justices turned away a challenge from Republican-led states and the former Trump administration, which urged the justices to block the entire law.

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AARP: Credit Disparities Continue Among Older Adults

The COVID-19 pandemic presented a wide range of sudden financial challenges, from lost jobs and store closures to price gouging and new expenses. Many people lacked sufficient emergency savings to deal with these kinds of challenges. Some even relied on credit cards for basic expenses—in some cases, even for their rent payments.

AARP: Credit Disparities Continue Among Older Adults Read More »

Orlando Sentinel: Predatory lenders put Florida small businesses at risk | Commentary

Worse, a rule issued last December by a national banking regulator, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), protects predatory small business lenders that exploit financial victims with outrageous loans that greatly exceed state interest rate laws like Florida’s. But the U.S. Senate, including Sen. Marco Rubio, two other Republicans and all Senate Democrats, recently voted to overturn the rule. Our congressional delegation should follow the Senate’s lead in order to stop evasions of our laws and protect small businesses.

Orlando Sentinel: Predatory lenders put Florida small businesses at risk | Commentary Read More »

Newsweek: Joe Biden Could Stop Post-Pandemic Foreclosure Crisis—or Repeat Obama’s Big Mistake

When Americans started facing the threat of foreclosure at the height of the 2008 financial crisis, Barack Obama campaigned on a promise of a simple, straightforward, and elegant solution: Force big banks to accept some losses and write down the amounts homeowners owed on their mortgages, thereby avoiding mass foreclosures. Soon after winning office, Obama abandoned the pledge, to the delight of his Wall Street donors.

Newsweek: Joe Biden Could Stop Post-Pandemic Foreclosure Crisis—or Repeat Obama’s Big Mistake Read More »

American Banker: Mortgage execs begin lobbying FHFA to lift lender sales cap

Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition urged the next director to “act immediately to revisit a number of recent policies that undermine the role of the GSEs the market, mortgage rates and mortgage products, including the December rule around their capital requirements and the program and product restrictions included in the January amendments to the FHFA-Treasury Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements.”

American Banker: Mortgage execs begin lobbying FHFA to lift lender sales cap Read More »

FingerLakes: Biden administration is expected to nominate a new director to replace FHFA Director Mark Calabria

Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), made the following statement:

“This is a pivotal moment for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, for the mission in their charters, and the role they can and must play in facilitating access to affordable housing and affordable mortgage credit for low- and moderate-income (LMI) households, for families and communities of color and rural communities. The scale of the affordable housing challenges facing the nation both in terms of the supply of new and existing affordable housing and access to affordable and sustainable mortgage credit cannot be met without strong leadership from the GSEs.

FingerLakes: Biden administration is expected to nominate a new director to replace FHFA Director Mark Calabria Read More »

The Washington Informer: D.C. Small Businesses Can Advance on the Road to Recovery with $10 Million from Wells Fargo Open for Business Fund

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Wells Fargo has selected City First Enterprises, ECDC Enterprise Development Group, Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC), National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and Washington Area Community Investment Fund (Wacif) to receive grants from its Open for Business Fund, bringing nearly $10 million to Washington, D.C., to help underserved small businesses stay open and preserve jobs.

The Washington Informer: D.C. Small Businesses Can Advance on the Road to Recovery with $10 Million from Wells Fargo Open for Business Fund Read More »

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