

WBHM: Business Capital, Knowledge Remains Out Of Reach For Many Minority Entrepreneurs

In 2017, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found that banks were far more critical in considering small business loans from Black applicants and were less likely to schedule follow-up appointments or offer help completing the loan application. This disparity existed even when Black and white applicants in the study had identical education, age and income.

WBHM: Business Capital, Knowledge Remains Out Of Reach For Many Minority Entrepreneurs Read More »

Texas Housers: Texas Housers joins National Community Reinvestment Coalition lawsuit against CFPB to overturn rule allowing banks to hide their lending records

According to the NCRC, the CFPB’s new rule would exempt “40% of financial institutions that currently report data about their closed-end mortgages from having to do so beginning in 2021.”

Texas Housers: Texas Housers joins National Community Reinvestment Coalition lawsuit against CFPB to overturn rule allowing banks to hide their lending records Read More »

Deadline: Showtime Teams With Human Rights Campaign For ‘Queer To Stay’ LGBTQ+ Business Preservation Initiative

People of color have also faced challenges and discrimination in sustaining their small businesses. According to a study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Black applicants who applied for Paycheck Protection Program loans were treated poorly or unfairly compared to their White counterparts.

Deadline: Showtime Teams With Human Rights Campaign For ‘Queer To Stay’ LGBTQ+ Business Preservation Initiative Read More »

Forbes: Fair Housing Advocates Decry Repeal Of Regulation Aimed At Diversifying Suburbs

Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, called the new housing rule, “terrible,” adding: “The administration just gutted the rule that enforces fairness in housing, which was and still is the whole point of the Fair Housing Act,” he said. “All of us have an interest in living in fair and desegregated communities. This would be a return to separate but equal and would be among the most overtly racist housing policies in decades. It’s hard to even call it a policy. It doesn’t enforce anything. It hands off any action to local governments, and they can get away with no action. This approach won’t affirmatively further anything other than discrimination.”

Forbes: Fair Housing Advocates Decry Repeal Of Regulation Aimed At Diversifying Suburbs Read More »

Delish: Only 130 Black-Owned Restaurants Received PPP Loans Over $150,000, According To A Report

In fact, Anneliese Lederer, director of fair lending and consumer protection with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, recently authored a study saying that white and Black applicants were treated differently when applying for loans, including receiving different information from lenders.

Delish: Only 130 Black-Owned Restaurants Received PPP Loans Over $150,000, According To A Report Read More »

The Journal News: Yonkers sees higher temps in areas impacted by discriminatory housing practice: Study

Although the practice was banned in 1968, communities deemed “hazardous” by the federal Home Owners’ Loan Corp. from 1935 to 1939 are still much more likely than other areas to be home to lower-income, minority residents, a 2018 study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found.

The Journal News: Yonkers sees higher temps in areas impacted by discriminatory housing practice: Study Read More »

Truthout: People of Color Are Facing Economic Devastation While Police Get a Blank Check

“Our economy and health care system marginalize the economically vulnerable so this recession caused by a health crisis leaves the most economically and health-fragile community members to face the worst of both of these crises,” said Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, chief of race, wealth and community at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.

Truthout: People of Color Are Facing Economic Devastation While Police Get a Blank Check Read More »

Credit Union Journal: Will GOP plan to slash unemployment aid trigger wave of loan defaults?

Without knowing the path of the virus, it’s also impossible to predict how many people who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic will be able to find new ones, said Gerron Levi, director of policy at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.

“It’s a real gamble,” she said. “It’s a rolling of the dice with so many people unemployed and so many people facing a situation where they really can’t return to work because there is not a job available.”

Credit Union Journal: Will GOP plan to slash unemployment aid trigger wave of loan defaults? Read More »

The Washington Post: Charter schools and their management companies won at least $925 million in federal coronavirus funding, data shows

A recent study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found “different levels of encouragement to apply for loans, different products offered, and different information provided by bank representatives.”

The Washington Post: Charter schools and their management companies won at least $925 million in federal coronavirus funding, data shows Read More »

Medium: The Community Reinvestment Act Isn’t Working

An alarming aspect of the new Community Reinvestment Act is the broadening definition of CRA activities. An analysis from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found that stadiums in opportunity zones, middle-income homeowners living in high-cost neighborhoods, and volunteer hours could all qualify as CRA activities.

Medium: The Community Reinvestment Act Isn’t Working Read More »

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