
Press Releases

For interviews and other media requests, contact: media@ncrc.org

NCRC applauds Trade Groups’ Call on the OCC to Withdraw Flawed CRA Rules

This has been a bad week for the OCC’s disastrous CRA rule. First, we won our preliminary battle in federal court by demonstrating that we have standing to sue the agency. And now, the trade organizations that represent bankers have also called for the OCC to withdraw its rule. 

NCRC applauds Trade Groups’ Call on the OCC to Withdraw Flawed CRA Rules Read More »

Study: More evidence of inequity in access to bank services to help small businesses survive the pandemic

NCRC surveyed 938 small business owners across nine metropolitan areas from October 23, 2020, to December 29, 2020. The purpose of the survey was to determine whether small business owners explored other options, such as lease and loan modifications to save their businesses, and if so, did they access them. 

Study: More evidence of inequity in access to bank services to help small businesses survive the pandemic Read More »

RULING: Federal Court Rejects Trump Admin’s Effort to Evade Accountability for Unlawfully Gutting Anti-Redlining Protections

“The harm caused by the Trump Administration’s unlawful evisceration of anti-redlining rules is real and urgent. We are pleased the court rejected the Trump Administration’s shameful attempt to evade accountability for gutting a crucial anti-redlining law. We will continue to press forward in our case to protect marginalized communities and return the protections of the Community Reinvestment Act from the Trump Administration’s continued unlawful grip.”

RULING: Federal Court Rejects Trump Admin’s Effort to Evade Accountability for Unlawfully Gutting Anti-Redlining Protections Read More »

Columbus Celebrates Completion of 20 New Homes as Part of Regional Affordable Housing Initiative

The NCRC Housing Rehab Fund, LLC (NCRC HRF) announced today completion of phase one of the Franklin County affordable housing initiative designed to increase home ownership for low- and moderate-income Ohio residents.

Columbus Celebrates Completion of 20 New Homes as Part of Regional Affordable Housing Initiative Read More »

President Biden Signs Executive Order Directing HUD to Address History of Systemic Racism

I applaud President Biden for signing four executive orders today that will help advance the goal of racial equity. The order directing HUD to address the nation’s long history of systemic racism in housing is of particular importance to us. Acknowledging the federal government’s role in perpetuating segregation, including the lasting impacts of redlining, is essential to addressing America’s ever growing racial wealth divide.

President Biden Signs Executive Order Directing HUD to Address History of Systemic Racism Read More »

GROWTH by NCRC AND Benedict-Allen Community Development Corporation Announce the Completion of Eight New Affordable Homes

The NCRC Housing Rehab Fund (GROWTH) and the Benedict-Allen Community Development Corporation today announced the completion of eight new affordable homes north of the Benedict College campus in downtown Columbia, South Carolina.

GROWTH by NCRC AND Benedict-Allen Community Development Corporation Announce the Completion of Eight New Affordable Homes Read More »

NCRC Recommends New Way to Establish CRA Assessment Areas for Branchless Banks

By using a different metric – loans per one thousand people – the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) in a recent paper was able to identify smaller states and metropolitan areas that are underserved by traditional banks but are better served by branchless banks.

NCRC Recommends New Way to Establish CRA Assessment Areas for Branchless Banks Read More »

NCRC launches $5 million Field Empowerment Fund to support nonprofits and CDFIs that promote wealth in traditionally underserved communities

Today, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) announced a new $5 million grant program funded by Morgan Stanley to help its member organizations recover and rebuild from the coronavirus pandemic. 

NCRC launches $5 million Field Empowerment Fund to support nonprofits and CDFIs that promote wealth in traditionally underserved communities Read More »

Pandemic stimulus a necessary stopgap, but more work needs to be done for a just recovery

The package represents a down payment for a just recovery that will prevent evictions, protect small businesses and provide additional direct payments to millions of families facing continued financial distress as a result of this global pandemic and economic crisis. The package also provides additional funding for Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs), lenders who can put capital to work in low-income communities and communities of color when and where they need it most.

Pandemic stimulus a necessary stopgap, but more work needs to be done for a just recovery Read More »

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