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Politics Threaten to Undermine Meaningful Consumer Protection

An Axe to the Heart of Consumer Protection: Politics As Usual Threaten to Undermine Meaningful Consumer Protection Consumer Groups Call on Congress to Cease Efforts Aimed to Undermine the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Washington, DC – As the House Financial Services Committee prepares to meet this Thursday to vote on newly introduced bills aimed to […]

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NCRC Opposes Weakening the CFPB

As Expected, Effort Underway To Weaken Consumer Financial Protection Bureau NCRC’s John Taylor Says Financial Lobby Strangling Reform Washington, DC – John Taylor, CEO and President of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, released this statement today about the markup of legislation by the House Financial Services’ Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit. Two bills

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NCRC Announces Grantees in National Neighbors Silver Initiative

Organizations Funded to Support and Empower Older Adults on Economic Security Issues

Washington DC — The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), with support from  Atlantic Philanthropies, announced grantees in an initiative to organize and empower older adults across the country. National Neighbors Silver (NNS) brings community, public, and private sector partners together utilizing structured, neighborhood-focused education and organizing strategies that benefit older adults. The National Neighbors Silver grant will fund regional advocacy networks, facilitated by local organizers.

Five NCRC member organizations selected for this initiative were announced at NCRC’s annual conference last week. Empowering and Strengthening Ohio’s People of Cleveland, Ohio, United Neighbors of Davenport, Iowa, Faith Action for Community Equity of Honolulu, Hawaii, Northside Community Reinvestment Coalition/Jewish Community Action of Minneapolis, Minnesota and Causa Justa of Oakland California will be funded in the first year of NCRC’s National Neighbors Silver program.

The President of Atlantic Philanthropies, Gara La Marche made the first official announcement of the grantees at NCRC’s annual conference. “The National Community Reinvestment Coalition has a long history of listening to communities and helping to make change,” said Gara LaMarche. “We believe great things are possible when older adults are engaged to bring about change. We are delighted to celebrate the National Neighbors Silver grantees as they work to advocate with and on behalf of older adults across the country.”

In addition to the support of local organizers, each selected National Neighbors Silver site will engage older adult volunteers by training them in organizing and financial education strategies. These volunteers will become a part of an integral network of NNS leadership ambassadors, who will share best practices and strategies for organizing and educating their peers around issues of financial security.

“We’re confident that National Neighbors Silver will empower community organizations to address the needs of older adults at this critical time. The organizing and advocacy efforts of the groups we’ve selected will expand access to direct services and generate policy changes that will enhance the lives of older adults in communities across the country,” said John Taylor, President and CEO of NCRC.

The National Neighbors Silver initiative will fund five organizations over three funding cycles, for a total of 15 organizations. Each funding cycle for this program will last three years. For information about future funding opportunities, please contact Ed Gorman, Chief Membership and Workforce Officer at

About the National Neighbors Silver Grantees:

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NCRC Concludes Successful Annual Conference

Esteemed National Achievement Awards Presented to Seven Community Leaders

Washington, DC – On Friday, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) recognized seven community leaders and organizations for their outstanding work and extraordinary contributions to their communities. The National Achievement Awards were presented during NCRC’s 2011 annual conference to individuals and organizations that are leading efforts to expand financial access for working families and communities.

Last Friday’s National Achievement Awards dinner brought a close to NCRC’s successful four day conference, held at the Washington Court Hotel in Washington, DC. Over 500 participants from across the nation partook in over 25 in-depth and comprehensive trainings, workshops, and plenary sessions, on topics including financial reform, foreclosure prevention, neighborhood stabilization and job creation. Attendees also heard from keynote speakers including: Sheila Bair, Chairman, U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC); Senator Jon Tester, Chair of the Economic Policy Subcommittee of the Senate Banking Committee; Senator Jeff Merkley, Senate Banking Committee; Senator Al Franken, Senate Judiciary Committee; Thomas Perez, Assistant Attorney General of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Justice; the Rev. Jesse Jackson; and Gara LaMarche, President of Atlantic Philanthropies.

John Taylor, President & CEO of NCRC, made this statement in tribute to the seven award winners and in conclusion of the well-received conference: “NCRC’s National Achievement Award winners embody the movement for fair access to capital and credit. They are leaders in their field, worthy of being celebrated and supported. These community leaders aren’t standing by waiting for help; they’re going out there and making change happen, in some cases despite incredible odds. With every conference, we hope to empower and train the next generation of community leaders.”

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As Congress Skirmishes on Budget, Community Groups Gather to Call for New Leadership on Critical Economic Issues

Washington, DC — As the federal government faces a possible shutdown, local community organizations will gather in Washington, DC to call for renewed efforts to prevent foreclosures, create jobs and stabilize communities, building on model programs and efforts at the local level. Joined by its state-based member organizations, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) hosts its

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Mortgage Finance Proposals Threaten to Cut Off Access for Working and Middle Class Americans

Washington, DC — John Taylor, President & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) today made this statement about proposals in Congress for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and federal agency proposals on the Qualified Residential Mortgage (QRM): “How we address Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the definition of the Qualified Residential Mortgage, will

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Elimination of HAMP Would Only Prolong the Foreclosure Agony

Washington, DC — John Taylor, president & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) today made this statement about the anticipated House vote to terminate the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP):

“Given the fragile state of the economy, Congress and the Administration need to stop procrastinating and create proposals that actually solve the country’s financial problems, not ignore them. Congress’ decision this week to eliminate HAMP does nothing but cause further agony to the millions of hard-working families who are on the brink of losing their homes.”

“If anything, Congress should be debating how HAMP can be reengineered and improved. The Administration also needs to step up, and take a hard line to ensure that the industry meets the requirements of the program. And our government needs to stop tip-toeing around the housing crisis and start addressing it head-on with concrete, actionable solutions that lend a hand to the American people rather than providing yet another escape hatch for Wall Street.”

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BOA Announces Principal Reduction Program for Military

Bank’s Home Loan Modification Reduces Principal by Tamara Keith March 10, 2011 Listen to the Story Bank of America is announcing on Thursday a loan modification program to help military service members who are behind on their mortgages. What’s unique about the program is that the bank is offering to reduce the principal owed on

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Advocates and New Yorkers Demand Banks Be Held Accountable

Call for Swift Passage of Responsible Banking Act (Intro. 485)

Council members, advocates and community residents gathered on the steps of City Hall today to demand that banks be held accountable, and to call for the passage of the recently introduced Responsible Banking Act (Intro. 485 – Vann, Recchia). The press conference followed a hearing on the legislation in the New York City Council Committees on Community Development and Finance, also held today.

The Responsible Banking Act is important new proposed legislation that will create a ranking system of banks seeking city deposits based on how responsive they are to the needs of New York City’s neighborhoods. By holding banks that store the city’s money more locally accountable, the bill would incentivize  these financial institutions to engage in practices that are beneficial to all New Yorkers and strengthen their community development efforts in New York City. An evaluation of how these banks contribute to the needs of the City and its communities would be a transparent and important tool of the city in determining which banks it deposits its funds.

The bill is not only a response to the aftermath of predatory lending and other harmful bank practices that contributed to the national financial crisis, but also to continued disengagement by banks within underserved communities. As the effects of this continue to be felt in our city, it is imperative that New York City take affirmative steps to rebuild and strengthen its partnerships with the banking community.  The Responsible Banking Act creates the transparency and oversight necessary to achieve this. The bill would require the Department of Finance, in its role on the NYC Banking Commission, to collect important information related to community development activities performed by banks wanting to be city depositories. These would include whether they provide: mortgage loan restructuring for struggling homeowners; financing for the construction of affordable housing; and/or credit and financial services for small businesses, among other criteria.

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Eliminating Housing Programs Will Make a Bad Problem Worse

Washington, DC — John Taylor, President & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) today made this statement on proposals to eliminate housing programs before the House Financial Services’ Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity:

“The failure of Congress to mandate foreclosure assistance programs that address the whole magnitude of the crisis is a reason to do more, instead of nothing. foreclosure familyA vacuum of leadership on foreclosures will be filled by these reckless and heartless proposals unless the Administration and the rest of Congress step up, and not continue to penny ante and punt. Only twisted thinking concludes that leaving people to fend for themselves when they are kicked out of their homes is the correct solution to our economic woes. Simply put, it will make a terrible problem even worse. The real cost of these housing programs is in the lost opportunity to expand their scope. Given the fragile state of our economy, we need proposals that solve the problem, not ignore it; if we don’t, I fear we’ll be having this same debate years from now.

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Fannie Freddie Plan Must Not Lock Working Families Out Of Homes

Washington, DC — The following is a statement from John Taylor, President & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), on the Administration’s plan for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:

“The only measure for the success of this plan is whether or not all creditworthy borrowers have the opportunity to purchase a home. If working class families are locked out of homeownership, and we end up with a housing finance system that serves only the well-heeled, then we will have failed miserably.

“Historically, working class people have had access to private sector capital in order to purchase a home, with guarantees by the government to ensure affordability. The Administration’s plan, by emphasis and omission, suggests that this country’s commitment to ensuring homeownership for working families will be lessened.

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Privatization of Fannie & Freddie Dangerous & Reckless Without Adequate Oversight of Wall Street

Ensuring affordable housing for millions of Americans should not be sole responsibility of the government 

Washington, DC — John Taylor, President & CEO, National Community Reinvestment Coalition, made this statement today on Administration and Congressional proposals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:”Privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will exacerbate problems in the housing market, not solve them. We must recognize that for 95% of Fannie and Freddie’s history they did a great job in assisting millions of Americans to purchase a home. If they go away, I fear we’ll see two marketplaces — one for the well heeled, and a more costly system of finance for everyone else.

“If the private market will enjoy the benefit of government guarantees, then there must be a strong duty to serve the affordable housing needs of the country. Putting Wall Street in the driver seat without adequate oversight and a commitment to affordable housing would be a mistake. We still don’t have adequate funding and authority for oversight by the SEC and other agencies to ensure that they behave responsibly.

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Houston Minority Business Enterprise Center Opens its Doors in Downtown Houston

NCRC extends its small business development initiatives to Houston via newly opened Houston Minority Business Enterprise Center Houston, TX— The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) announced today the opening of the Houston Minority Business Enterprise Center (HMBEC). Located downtown in the Houston Technology Center at 410 Pierce Street, the HMBEC will provide training and technical

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NCRC Announces RFP for Initiative to Empower Older Adults

 Addressing economic insecurity of older adults through regional organizing and advocacy groups

Washington, DC — The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), with support from Atlantic Philanthropies, is pleased to announce its 2011 Request for Proposals (RFP) for National Neighbors Silver, an initiative to support and empower older adults nationwide.

As the United States suffers from historically high rates of foreclosure and unemployment, older adults across the nation are not only more numerous than past generations, but also more susceptible to financial insecurity and instability. Many older adults who lost their jobs during the economic crisis have been pushed out of the workforce and into early retirement.

“Many older Americans face new challenges in this economic environment. The sharp reduction in the value of most seniors’ primary asset — their home — means that many are now especially susceptible to financial insecurity. The National Neighbors Silver initiative will support participating regional organizations to directly tackle the root causes of the unique economic challenges faced by America’s older citizens,” said John Taylor, president and CEO of NCRC.

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FCIC Report Puts Blame Where It Belongs: On Wall Street & Regulators

 Going Forward, Two Big Lessons Learned: Don’t Put the Fox in the Henhouse, and Regulation Matters

Washington, DC — John Taylor, President and CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, released this statement today about the Financial GSE picCrisis Inquiry Commission report and proposals to return the government-sponsored entities to the private sector without affordable housing goals:

This report puts the blame where it belongs on Wall Street and the federal regulators who looked the other way. It also puts to rest the myth that making capital available to low or moderate-income borrowers was a cause of the crisis.

While the report may be a day late and a dollar short, the lessons going forward are that regulators need the authority and the resources to stay on top of financial innovations and make sure risk taking does not become reckless. The other very important lesson is that regulation matters when it comes to protecting consumers.  There is an appropriate and necessary federal role in ensuring access to capital and markets for nontraditional borrowers, which is why the affordable housing goals must remain a part of the mission of the government-sponsored entities.

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