
Press Releases

For interviews and other media requests, contact: media@ncrc.org

NCRC President & CEO Testifies Before House Financial Services Committee on Foreclosure Crisis & CRA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 Contact:  Jesse Van Tol (202) 464-2709 February 13, 2008                                                   jvantol@ncrc.org NCRC PRESIDENT & CEO TESTIFIES BEFORE HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Taylor Says Improved Coverage and Enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act Could Have Protected Homeowners from Forelosure Crisis   John

NCRC President & CEO Testifies Before House Financial Services Committee on Foreclosure Crisis & CRA Read More »

Media Center

NCRC represents its members before Congress, federal regulatory agencies and the press. NCRC routinely testifies before the U.S. Congress, and meets with the leadership of banking and lending regulatory agencies. NCRC frequently provides expert commentary on national television, including ABC’s Nightline, Bloomberg, the CBS Evening News, CNBC, CNN, CSPAN, NBC’s Dateline and Fox News. NCRC

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