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WFAA: America’s top banking regulator: WFAA’s ‘Banking Below 30’ investigation documenting unfair treatment of minorities ‘very troubling’

In May, speaking at a National Community Reinvestment Coalition conference, Powell said “we will only reach our full potential when everyone can contribute to and share in the benefits of prosperity.” 

WFAA: America’s top banking regulator: WFAA’s ‘Banking Below 30’ investigation documenting unfair treatment of minorities ‘very troubling’ Read More »

U.S. House Committee on Financial Services: Waters Applauds President Biden’s Executive Order to Examine Bank Merger Practices, Urges Federal Reserve to Strengthen Merger Reviews

The Fed’s merger review process has other major deficiencies. Earlier this year, the Fed allowed PNC to grow to a $556 billion institution, despite a 2017 finding by bank regulators that PNC’s anti-money laundering practices were so flawed that it no longer met the standard for being “well-managed,” and despite PNC’s 2019 admission that it had lost track of certain stock holdings and fallen afoul of regulatory requirements. According to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition

U.S. House Committee on Financial Services: Waters Applauds President Biden’s Executive Order to Examine Bank Merger Practices, Urges Federal Reserve to Strengthen Merger Reviews Read More »

Majoring in the Majors: Building a More Just Economy: Systemic Racism and Economic Inequality

Since the COVID pandemic, issues of economic inequality in the U.S. have received increasing attention in the media, along with our current national debates on race and systemic racism. Here to talk about those issues and how we can build a more just economy for all is Mr. Dedrick Asante-Muhammed of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.

Majoring in the Majors: Building a More Just Economy: Systemic Racism and Economic Inequality Read More »

The New York Times: A Banking Regulator Says it Will Start Fresh on an Anti-Redlining Rule, Scrapping a Trump-Era Version

Jesse Van Tol, the chief executive of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a nonprofit group that pressures banks to increase their activities in poorer neighborhoods, said he was pleased that the agency was “finally turning the page on this terrible rule.”

The New York Times: A Banking Regulator Says it Will Start Fresh on an Anti-Redlining Rule, Scrapping a Trump-Era Version Read More »

Next City: How to Evaluate a Bank’s Community Reinvestment Act Evaluation

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition has long advocated for “more nuance” in CRA ratings — and you can see in the chart above how regulators have started nodding to the need for more nuance, given the five performance levels for the different areas examined within the evaluation.

Next City: How to Evaluate a Bank’s Community Reinvestment Act Evaluation Read More »

Reuters: White House to target bank mergers, financial data with competition order

This has led to higher fees for consumers, reduced access to banking services for communities of color and low-income working families, and increased concerns about risk to the financial system, according to studies by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.

Reuters: White House to target bank mergers, financial data with competition order Read More »

Afro: Baltimore equitable development company seeks to combat gentrification

In 2019, a National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) study found that seven cities accounted for almost half of the gentrification in the United States from 2000 to 2013, and Baltimore was included in this bracket. The city had the fifth largest number of gentrified areas. 

Afro: Baltimore equitable development company seeks to combat gentrification Read More »

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