
On Our Radar

A curated collection of links to news, analysis, trends, ideas and views from elsewhere.

The Atlantic: The white flight from football

The health risks associated with football are causing a racial divide. Affluent White parents are pulling their kids out of football at a higher rate than Black parents of low-moderate income. Children that can go to a highly funded school have the option of playing alternative sports; many of which aren’t offered at lower income schools.

The Atlantic: The white flight from football Read More »

Vox: 5 anti-poverty plans from 2020 Democratic presidential contenders, explained

Several Democratic presidential candidates have coalesced on a distinctive approach to fighting poverty — transferring people money — and are including it as part of bigger proposals that help poor and middle-class people alike, ensuring that these ideas have a more prominent spot in the campaign than past anti-poverty plans have had.

Vox: 5 anti-poverty plans from 2020 Democratic presidential contenders, explained Read More »

Washington Post: Warren to propose new ‘wealth tax’ on very rich Americans, economist says

Sen. Elizabeth Warren will propose a new ‘wealth tax’ which she believes will mitigate wealth inequality. Warren is said to be a representation for the entire Democratic Party of a shift leftwards on economic policy.

Washington Post: Warren to propose new ‘wealth tax’ on very rich Americans, economist says Read More »

Media Matters: What The Daily Wire gets wrong (and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets right) about algorithms and racism

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is at the front of another attack by conservatives. Ocasio-Cortez spoke out about the racial biases in facial recognition algorithms. After being mocked by conservative leaders, it turns out that she was right.

Media Matters: What The Daily Wire gets wrong (and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets right) about algorithms and racism Read More »

CNBC: The mortgage industry isn’t ready for a foreclosure crisis created by climate change

Frequent and unsuspected natural disasters leave many homes severely damaged. An overwhelming number of homeowners lack disaster insurance making residents unable to pay the remainder of their mortgage inevitably resulting in foreclosures.

CNBC: The mortgage industry isn’t ready for a foreclosure crisis created by climate change Read More »

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