
On Our Radar

A curated collection of links to news, analysis, trends, ideas and views from elsewhere.

NYT: How ‘Not in My Backyard’ became ‘Not in My Neighborhood’

The expectation that homeowners should be able to reach beyond their property lines has become deeply embedded. The new tax law has raised the possibility that homeownership may be losing some of its privileged status in American society, as the benefits of the mortgage interest and property tax deductions shrink.

NYT: How ‘Not in My Backyard’ became ‘Not in My Neighborhood’ Read More »

Washington Post: America’s forgotten towns: Can they be saved or should people just leave?

Economics 101 suggests it’s time for a big migration west from the Rust Belt to the Boom Belt. But economists missed something important about these towns: They have social capital. Trust is what you might call the “magic fairy dust” that helps economies thrive.

Washington Post: America’s forgotten towns: Can they be saved or should people just leave? Read More »

Fast Company: America’s affordable housing crisis Is driving its homelessness crisis

There’s a clear link between a lack of places to live and the number of people sleeping out of doors at night. And the solution is clear, too: Cities need to double down not just on homeless services, but on building more affordable housing, and quickly.

Fast Company: America’s affordable housing crisis Is driving its homelessness crisis Read More »

Public Books: The Big Picture: America’s real estate developer in chief

A native of Queens, Donald Trump was the son and heir to Fred Trump, a scrappy and ruthless developer of housing for New York’s white working and middle class. An outer-borough nativist and one-time Klan supporter, the senior Trump profited mightily from the federal government’s massive intervention in the real estate industry, which began in the Great Depression. His fortune was premised on strict racial segregation, a process whose legacies still shape the geography of urban and suburban America.

Public Books: The Big Picture: America’s real estate developer in chief Read More »

LA Times: Completely unnecessary spat over CFPB leaves consumers out in the cold

Los Angeles Times, Nov. 27, 2017: Completely unnecessary spat over CFPB leaves consumers out in the cold For his part, Trump tweeted over the weekend that the CFPB “has been a total disaster” that has left financial firms “devastated and unable to properly serve the public.” That, of course, is total nonsense. The CFPB has

LA Times: Completely unnecessary spat over CFPB leaves consumers out in the cold Read More »

The Economist: Blue-collar wages are surging. Can it last?

Has Mr Trump kept his promise to revive American manufacturing, mining and the like? A more probable explanation is that he came to office just as America began to run out of willing workers to fill all of its job vacancies. As unemployment has fallen, from over 6% in mid-2014 to 4.1% today, wage growth has gradually picked up.

The Economist: Blue-collar wages are surging. Can it last? Read More »

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