
On Our Radar

A curated collection of links to news, analysis, trends, ideas and views from elsewhere.

MarketPlace: Inequality By Design: How Redlining Continues to Shape Our Economy

One thing we know for certain about the COVID-19 crisis is that the pain will not be shared equally. Wealth can determine everything from the quality of healthcare people can access to how well they can ride out a job loss. And inequality is baked into the system.

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The New York Times: How Millions of Women Became the Most Essential Workers in America

One in three jobs held by women has been designated as essential, according to a New York Times analysis of census data crossed with the federal government’s essential worker guidelines. Nonwhite women are more likely to be doing essential jobs than anyone else.

The New York Times: How Millions of Women Became the Most Essential Workers in America Read More »

Yahoo Finance: Philanthropic Leaders Call on Regulators to Delay Changes to the Community Reinvestment Act Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Presidents’ Council on Impact Investing asks regulators to “immediately suspend efforts that could severely undermine the CRA and rob communities of desperately needed support”

Yahoo Finance: Philanthropic Leaders Call on Regulators to Delay Changes to the Community Reinvestment Act Amid Coronavirus Pandemic Read More »

NBC News: Gender Economist Katica Roy: If We Don’t Act Fast, Women Will Bear the Brunt of the Financial Crisis Caused By Coronavirus

Nationally, 71% of households with children rely on women’s income for their economic well-being. The wage gap puts them at an even greater disadvantage when financial crises hit, says Roy in this op/ed.

NBC News: Gender Economist Katica Roy: If We Don’t Act Fast, Women Will Bear the Brunt of the Financial Crisis Caused By Coronavirus Read More »

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