
On Our Radar

A curated collection of links to news, analysis, trends, ideas and views from elsewhere.

Fast Company: Amplifying the voices America’s poor to change the conversation about U.S. policy

The conversation around inequality and hardship in the U.S. has evolved and broadened in recent years—especially since the 2016 election—and with it, so has media coverage of these issues. But what’s still lacking are the voices that inhabit inside these statistics.

Fast Company: Amplifying the voices America’s poor to change the conversation about U.S. policy Read More »

Fast Company: Amplifying the voices America’s poor to change the conversation about U.S. policy

The conversation around inequality and hardship in the U.S. has evolved and broadened in recent years—especially since the 2016 election—and with it, so has media coverage of these issues. But what’s still lacking are the voices that inhabit inside these statistics.

Fast Company: Amplifying the voices America’s poor to change the conversation about U.S. policy Read More »

The Wall Street Journal: College financial-aid loophole: Wealthy parents transfer guardianship of their teens to get aid

Amid an intense national furor over the fairness of college admissions, the Education Department is looking into a tactic that has been used in some suburbs here, in which wealthy parents transfer legal guardianship of their college-bound children to relatives or friends so the teens can claim financial aid.

The Wall Street Journal: College financial-aid loophole: Wealthy parents transfer guardianship of their teens to get aid Read More »

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