
Testimony & Regulatory Comments

Testimony and comments from NCRC about pending legislation and regulatory issues.

Testimony of Stella Adams before the New York State Senate Democratic Conference

June 8, 2018 Senator Sanders, members of the Committee,  my name is Stella Adams, and I serve as the Chief of Equity and Inclusion for the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, more commonly known as NCRC. NCRC creates, implements, and supports long-term solutions and strategies that build community and promote individual economic well-being. The programs of […]

Testimony of Stella Adams before the New York State Senate Democratic Conference Read More »

Sign-on letter regarding CRA regulatory reform

(Download PDF) June 13, 2018 Dear Chairman McWilliams, Comptroller Otting, and Chairman Powell: Since 1977, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) has driven inclusion and equity in the financial markets. The act compels banks to serve the credit needs of their communities. It became an indispensable tool for historically marginalized communities excluded from the financial mainstream.

Sign-on letter regarding CRA regulatory reform Read More »

NCRC comment on CFPB fair lending reviews and supervision

Docket No. CFPB-2018-0004 Effectiveness and Efficiency of Supervision Program To Whom it May Concern: The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), a coalition of more than 600 community-based organizations, urges the CFPB to make the fair lending review process more transparent and to better facilitate community group input in the process. This letter represents the views

NCRC comment on CFPB fair lending reviews and supervision Read More »

Letter to the House of Representatives: Section 104 of S. 2155 undermines fair lending oversight & investment in underserved communities

The undersigned civil rights, fair housing, consumer, and community organizations write to highlight our strong concerns with Section 104 of S. 2155, “the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Adjustment and Study”.  The tiered reporting proposed in Section 104 for banks and credit unions would undermine efforts to ensure that the nation’s mortgage lenders are serving all segments of the market fairly.  The provisions would exempt 85% of depositories from the updated reporting required by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank).

Letter to the House of Representatives: Section 104 of S. 2155 undermines fair lending oversight & investment in underserved communities Read More »

Letter to the Senate: Section 104 of S. 2155 undermines fair lending oversight & investment in underserved communities

The undersigned civil rights, fair housing, consumer, and community organizations write to highlight our strong concerns with Section 104 of S. 2155, “the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Adjustment and Study”.  The tiered reporting proposed in Section 104 for banks and credit unions would undermine efforts to ensure that the nation’s mortgage lenders are serving all segments of the market fairly.  The provisions would exempt 85% of depositories from the updated reporting required by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank).

Letter to the Senate: Section 104 of S. 2155 undermines fair lending oversight & investment in underserved communities Read More »

NCRC analysis of CRA Treasury report

The Department of Treasury released its long anticipated memorandum recommending changes and updates to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) in early April. Spring is a season of renewal and CRA is a law that indeed needs refreshing and updating. Passed in 1977, it imposes an affirmative obligation on banks to serve the needs of local communities. The statute directs federal bank agencies to examine and rate banks on their lending and service in low- and moderate-income communities.

NCRC analysis of CRA Treasury report Read More »

Letter to the Senate: Section 104 of S. 2155 undermines fair lending oversight & investment in underserved communities

The undersigned civil rights, fair housing, consumer, and community organizations write to highlight our strong concerns with Section 104 of S. 2155, “the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Adjustment and Study”.  The tiered reporting proposed in Section 104 for banks and credit unions would undermine efforts to ensure that the nation’s mortgage lenders are serving all segments of the market fairly.  The provisions would exempt 85% of depositories from the updated reporting required by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank).

Letter to the Senate: Section 104 of S. 2155 undermines fair lending oversight & investment in underserved communities Read More »

NCRC’s congressional testimony on fintech oversight

Statement for the record from John Taylor, president and CEO, of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition to the House Financial Services Subcommittee on House Financial Services Committee, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit   January 30, 2018 Chairman Luetkemeyer, Ranking Member Clay, and Distinguished members of the Subcommittee: The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) appreciates

NCRC’s congressional testimony on fintech oversight Read More »

Letter to Treasury: Strengthening the Community Reinvestment Act

The Honorable Steven T. Mnuchin Secretary of the Treasury Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC, 20220 Click here for a summary of the letter.   Dear Secretary Mnuchin, In February of 2017, President Trump issued an executive order mandating that federal agencies regulate the financial industry consistent with core principles including

Letter to Treasury: Strengthening the Community Reinvestment Act Read More »

Don’t blame the affordable housing goals for the financial crisis 

Federal Research Financial Crisis Inquiry Report (2010)[1] “Conclusions of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission” “We also studied at length how the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) affordable housing goals for the GSEs affected their investment in risky mortgages. Based on the evidence and interviews with dozens of individuals involved in this subject area,

Don’t blame the affordable housing goals for the financial crisis  Read More »

Rebuttal to personal privacy of HMDA in a world of big data

Anthony Yezer’s recent white paper, Personal Privacy of HMDA in a World of Big Data, is part of the banking industry’s continued effort to limit public access to data collected by federal agencies.[1] Yezer’s paper, which was funded by the Mortgage Bankers Association, fundamentally challenges data collection and reporting under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act

Rebuttal to personal privacy of HMDA in a world of big data Read More »

Oppose H.R. 2954 – “The Home Mortgage Disclosure Adjustment Act”

Dear Representative, The undersigned civil rights, fair housing, consumer, and community organizations strongly urge you to oppose H.R. 2954, “the Home Mortgage Disclosure Adjustment Act”. The bill would undermine efforts to ensure that the nation’s mortgage lenders are serving all segments of the market fairly by exempting the vast majority of lenders from the updated

Oppose H.R. 2954 – “The Home Mortgage Disclosure Adjustment Act” Read More »

Summary of NCRC recommendations regarding Treasury Department review of CRA

Introduction: Last year, President Trump issued an executive order mandating that federal agencies regulate the financial industry consistent with core principles including empowering consumers to make informed financial decisions and build wealth. In June, the Treasury Department responded to this executive order by publishing the first of a series of reports on the financial industry

Summary of NCRC recommendations regarding Treasury Department review of CRA Read More »

Joint letter: request for meeting to discuss preserving access and affordability in Government Sponsored Enterprise reform

We, the undersigned civil and human rights organizations, write to express our profound concern with the ongoing discussions in Congress about comprehensive Government Sponsored Enterprise (GSE) reform legislation, and to request a meeting to ensure that our perspectives are taken into account in this very important effort.

Joint letter: request for meeting to discuss preserving access and affordability in Government Sponsored Enterprise reform Read More »

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