
Insider: The rise of ‘Zoomtowns’ is going to make home prices and rents cheaper for everyone

Insider, January 4, 2023, The rise of ‘Zoomtowns’ is going to make home prices and rents cheaper for everyone

It’s easy to blame remote workers for the pandemic’s chaotic housing market. Highly paid white-collar employees who exercised their newfound freedom and turned once cheap locales into expensive “Zoomtowns” make for vivid villains.

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1 thought on “Insider: The rise of ‘Zoomtowns’ is going to make home prices and rents cheaper for everyone”

  1. We need more Zoom towns in red states. Because education has a liberal bias, those who support progressive politics all bunched together in NY, CA, WDC, et al can now move to West Virginia, TN, SC, etc. and flip the state to progressive leadership. In a lot of purple states it takes a couple hundred votes to make the flip. And more opportunity for small businesses to launch new restaurants with old-style charm and food. Restaurants in NY and DC are mostly investor owned. The high prices and low quality of the food shows. I am a big fan of Mom & Pop restaurants.

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