Nonprofit Quarterly: Under Cover of COVID, Regulator Rolls Back Community Reinvestment Act Rules

In a statement, National Community Reinvestment Coalition CEO Jesse Van Tol laid out the high stakes: “The timing is shocking, in the middle of a pandemic that has been hardest on lower-income communities this law is supposed to protect. What an insulting and cruel moment to unleash new rules that will in some cases help banks to do less for some poor communities and communities of color. Those are the communities hit hardest by COVID-19.”

Nonprofit Quarterly: Under Cover of COVID, Regulator Rolls Back Community Reinvestment Act Rules Read More »

Washington Post: Did coronavirus lay bare inequalities? Not to those who were monitoring them before.

“The last foreclosure crisis was a slow-moving train; the impact in terms of people was over the course of several years,” Jesse Van Tol, chief executive of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a research and advocacy coalition of 600 community organizations, previously told The Post’s Renae Merle. “Whereas the current moment, it’s all happening pretty quickly, 25 million, 30 million unemployed in a manner of a few weeks.”

Washington Post: Did coronavirus lay bare inequalities? Not to those who were monitoring them before. Read More »

The Washington Post: Top banking regulator, Joseph Otting, announces departure during pandemic

The OCC “introduced new, gaping loopholes into the rules that will allow banks to reduce their focus on lower-income borrowers and communities,” said Jesse Van Tol, chief executive of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. “It’s an administrative fiasco. We’ll see you in court.”

The Washington Post: Top banking regulator, Joseph Otting, announces departure during pandemic Read More »

American Banker: Community groups plan to sue OCC over CRA rule

“The OCC went against the majority of public comments and introduced new, gaping loopholes into the rules that will allow banks to reduce their focus on lower-income borrowers and communities, the very communities the law was intended to protect when it was passed in 1977,” said Jesse Van Tol, the chief executive of the NCRC. “It’s an administrative fiasco. We’ll see you in court.”

American Banker: Community groups plan to sue OCC over CRA rule Read More »

Do CRA Ratings Reflect Differences in Performance: An Examination Using Federal Reserve Data

Key Findings Better outcomes on the retail lending test usually corresponded to higher ratings but the differences in performance were not as wide as expected Performance measures used to assess community loans and investments tended to indicate greater differences in bank performance across ratings categories This paper suggests the need for refining performance measures and

Do CRA Ratings Reflect Differences in Performance: An Examination Using Federal Reserve Data Read More »

Comment on Proposed Rule: Parent Companies of Industrial Loan Companies, RIN 3064-AF31

(Download) May 26, 2020 RE: Comment on Proposed Rule: Parent Companies of Industrial Loan Companies, RIN 3064-AF31 To Whom it May Concern: The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), a coalition of 600 community-based organizations dedicated to increasing access to capital and credit for traditionally underserved communities, opposes the FDIC’s proposal to codify the procedures for

Comment on Proposed Rule: Parent Companies of Industrial Loan Companies, RIN 3064-AF31 Read More »

Over 130 groups support more funding for housing counseling

Dear Senate Leadership and Senate Appropriators: The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and the undersigned organizations are writing to urge the Senate to support housing counseling provisions included in H.R. 6800, the HEREOS Act, recently passed by the House.  Housing counseling agencies have played an essential role following the nation’s housing crisis and numerous natural disasters since then.  Congress

Over 130 groups support more funding for housing counseling Read More »

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