

Posts about NCRC research.

Better Data Needed To Dismantle The ‘Model Minority’ Myth About Asian Americans: Race, Jobs and the Economy April 2024 Update

As we celebrate AAPI Heritage Month, it’s important to understand how data flaws in the BLS jobs report fuel the “model minority myth.”

Better Data Needed To Dismantle The ‘Model Minority’ Myth About Asian Americans: Race, Jobs and the Economy April 2024 Update Read More »

The job market for college graduates remains strong but uncertainties persist

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) monthly jobs report provides a broad look at the current state of the labor market. It is comprised of two surveys, a household survey sent to people that gauges their labor market experiences of employment and unemployment and an establishment survey sent to businesses to measure their hiring levels, hours and

The job market for college graduates remains strong but uncertainties persist Read More »

Hispanic Workers See Some Warning Signs In An Overall Good Jobs Report

Race, Jobs, and the Economy October 2023 Update September 15th through October 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month. As noted in our Latino Racial Wealth Snapshot, almost 19% of Americans are Hispanic and while their population has almost doubled in number since 2020 they remain far less wealthy than non-Hispanic White Americans. From college attainment to homeownership to income, Hispanics

Hispanic Workers See Some Warning Signs In An Overall Good Jobs Report Read More »

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