Fast Company: Seven principles for building a fairer economy

In a new book called The Making of a Democratic Economy: How to Build Prosperity for the Many, Not the Few, Howard and Kelly spell out seven principles for creating a fairer and more sustainable economy that could help pull the U.S. out of the “extractive economy” that exists today. Those values are community, inclusion, place, good work, sustainability, democratic ownership, and ethical finance.

Fast Company: Seven principles for building a fairer economy Read More »

The CFPB must provide paths for LMI home buyers that will be harmed by any expiration of GSE Patch

Since the financial crisis, the CFPB’s QM rules have helped ensure that the nation’s financial institutions provide low- and moderate-income (LMI) families with prudent and sustainable mortgage loans. The CFPB must provide alternatives that ensure that the LMI borrowers benefiting from the GSE Patch today continue to have viable paths to homeownership.

The CFPB must provide paths for LMI home buyers that will be harmed by any expiration of GSE Patch Read More »

The Buffalo News: ‘American dream’ still comes in black and white

More than 50 years after the federal Fair Housing Act took aim at discrimination in the housing market, and four decades after the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act did the same by shining a light on lending practices, blacks are still twice as likely as whites to be denied a mortgage, according to a new national study.

The Buffalo News: ‘American dream’ still comes in black and white Read More »

The Washington Post: The finance 202: The biggest bank merger since financial crisis is on table today in Congress

SunTrust and BB&T’s $60 billion merger, which would create the country’s sixth-largest bank, will face its biggest test yet Wednesday when the banks’ CEOs face off against skeptics in the House.

The Washington Post: The finance 202: The biggest bank merger since financial crisis is on table today in Congress Read More »

Rolling Stone: Sen. Kamala Harris introduces law to federally legalize, tax marijuana

On Tuesday, Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris announced that she is teaming up with House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler to co-sponsor the MORE Act of 2019, a bill that would decriminalize marijuana on the federal level and expunge low-level marijuana possession convictions.

Rolling Stone: Sen. Kamala Harris introduces law to federally legalize, tax marijuana Read More »

The Post: Bank merger fund could benefit western county

Communities in western Montgomery County that are home to low- and moderate-income potential borrowers for mortgage loans, small businesses with revenues of less than $1 million and selected non-profit organizations all are among those who may benefit from a three-year, $60 billion lending fund being assembled by two banks planning to merge this fall.

The Post: Bank merger fund could benefit western county Read More »

MarketWatch: All the ways student debt exacerbates racial inequality — ‘it’s like landing in quick sand’

Student debt is often thought of as a generational issue, plaguing 20- and 30-somethings as they make their way into adulthood. And while it’s true that young adults are coping with levels of student debt rarely experienced by their parents and even older siblings, perhaps one of the biggest factors defining a borrower’s student loan experience is their race.

MarketWatch: All the ways student debt exacerbates racial inequality — ‘it’s like landing in quick sand’ Read More »

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