
CFPB Director Cordray Announces Push To Prevent Discriminatory Lending

Washington, DC — Today, in a keynote address at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s (NCRC) annual conference, Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB) Director Richard Cordray announced that the agency will use all available legal avenues, including disparate impact, to pursue discriminatory lenders. “We want consumers to avoid the marketplace’s silent pickpocket — discrimination,” said CFPB […]

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NCRC Releases Report on the Impact of Foreclosure Crisis on Communities of Color

The Foreclosure Crisis and Its Impact on Communities of Color: Research and Solutions

Washington, DC — As the foreclosure crisis continues unabated, destroying wealth for American families and undermining the stability and vibrancy of communities, NCRC’s recent whitepaper serves as an in-depth investigation of the success and weaknesses of the major federal and private foreclosure prevention efforts. The paper also examines proposed solutions to rebuild the homeownership markets. The paper has a particular focus on the impacts of the foreclosure crisis on people and communities of color.

The report addresses three critical aspects of the foreclosure crisis:

First, the foreclosure crisis is disproportionally affecting communities of color, and continuing without any meaningful preventative intervention. The homeownership rates for communities of color are at their lowest levels in over a decade. It is expected these rates will drop even further, which would wipe out over 15 years of gains in homeownership rates for people of color. The combination of foreclosures and falling home prices has also resulted in a catastrophic loss of wealth, in particular for people and communities of color.

Second, there are several strategies and solutions that could significantly halt the foreclosure crisis, as well as repair the damage, but no policies are actively being debated by policy makers. There are no signs that the HAMP program will be significantly improved to have a greater foreclosure prevention impact and, given the current political climate, it seems unlikely that any additional funds for new foreclosure mitigation efforts will be forthcoming. Finally, many proposals to rebuild the homeownership market would actually further undermine the housing markets. 

Third, there is no national clearinghouse of information on foreclosures that is systematic, searchable, and comprehensive. A comprehensive clearinghouse of data and research would enable more effective responses to the damage that is occurring to families and communities by the foreclosure crisis. Without a central hub of information, it is also difficult to understand the long-term damage the foreclosure crisis will likely have across cities and communities.

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White Paper: The Foreclosure Crisis and its Impact on Communities of Color

The Foreclosure Crisis and Its Impact on Communities of Color: Research and Solutions As the foreclosure crisis continues unabated, destroying wealth for American families and undermining the stability and vibrancy of communities, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s (NCRC) latest whitepaper serves as an in-depth investigation of the success and weaknesses of the major federal and

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Complaints Filed Against Capital One for Problematic Mortgage Servicing

Capital One Denied Homeowner Access to Help for Unemployed Homeowners and HAMP

Washington, DC — The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) today announced that is has filed a complaint with the District of Columbia Government Office of Human Rights and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), alleging that Capital One has violated local and federal fair housing laws by denying an unemployed homeowner access to a program for unemployed homeowners, as well as a federal mortgage modification program.
“Where there is smoke, there is often fire. Our complaint must be fully investigated to determine if Capital One has routinely denied borrowers the best assistance available to them. Capital One’s failure to participate in mortgage modification programs is cause for serious concern. The regulators should not allow Capital One to take over ING Direct’s $41 billion mortgage portfolio without a demonstration that they are in compliance with the law, and will act to ensure customers have access to the best loan modifications,” said John Taylor, president & CEO of NCRC.

The case concerns Ms. Cembrye Ross, an attorney in the Washington, DC area, who sought help from Capital One for her mortgage when she became unemployed. Capital One did not offer Ms. Ross a sustainable modification, even though she would have qualified for help under both the DC HomeSaver Program, which helps unemployed homeowners, and the federal Home Affordable Modification Program. Capital One, which was not participating in either program, instead steered Ms. Ross to a proprietary modification that was not affordable to her. Following the filing of the complaint, NCRC was able to stay the foreclosure that Ms. Ross faced.

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NCRC Supports Richard Cordray to Head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

 Washington, DC — President Obama is expected today to nominate the former Ohio state Attorney General Richard Cordray as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). In 2010, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) gave Cordray its prestigious Henry B. Gonzalez Award for outstanding public service, noting that he was a “shining example for state

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Twenty Percent Down-payment Sanctions Unequal & Separate Lending

Unequal & Separate Lending System Between The Rich & Everyone Else, Throws Gas On Fire Undermining American Economy Washington, DC — John Taylor, president & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), released this statement at a press conference with U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson, Kay Hagan, and Mary Landrieu and U.S. Congressmen John Campbell

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As Congress Skirmishes on Budget, Community Groups Gather to Call for New Leadership on Critical Economic Issues

Washington, DC — As the federal government faces a possible shutdown, local community organizations will gather in Washington, DC to call for renewed efforts to prevent foreclosures, create jobs and stabilize communities, building on model programs and efforts at the local level. Joined by its state-based member organizations, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) hosts its

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Mortgage Finance Proposals Threaten to Cut Off Access for Working and Middle Class Americans

Washington, DC — John Taylor, President & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) today made this statement about proposals in Congress for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and federal agency proposals on the Qualified Residential Mortgage (QRM): “How we address Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the definition of the Qualified Residential Mortgage, will

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Elimination of HAMP Would Only Prolong the Foreclosure Agony

Washington, DC — John Taylor, president & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) today made this statement about the anticipated House vote to terminate the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP):

“Given the fragile state of the economy, Congress and the Administration need to stop procrastinating and create proposals that actually solve the country’s financial problems, not ignore them. Congress’ decision this week to eliminate HAMP does nothing but cause further agony to the millions of hard-working families who are on the brink of losing their homes.”

“If anything, Congress should be debating how HAMP can be reengineered and improved. The Administration also needs to step up, and take a hard line to ensure that the industry meets the requirements of the program. And our government needs to stop tip-toeing around the housing crisis and start addressing it head-on with concrete, actionable solutions that lend a hand to the American people rather than providing yet another escape hatch for Wall Street.”

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Eliminating Housing Programs Will Make a Bad Problem Worse

Washington, DC — John Taylor, President & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) today made this statement on proposals to eliminate housing programs before the House Financial Services’ Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity:

“The failure of Congress to mandate foreclosure assistance programs that address the whole magnitude of the crisis is a reason to do more, instead of nothing. foreclosure familyA vacuum of leadership on foreclosures will be filled by these reckless and heartless proposals unless the Administration and the rest of Congress step up, and not continue to penny ante and punt. Only twisted thinking concludes that leaving people to fend for themselves when they are kicked out of their homes is the correct solution to our economic woes. Simply put, it will make a terrible problem even worse. The real cost of these housing programs is in the lost opportunity to expand their scope. Given the fragile state of our economy, we need proposals that solve the problem, not ignore it; if we don’t, I fear we’ll be having this same debate years from now.

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Fannie Freddie Plan Must Not Lock Working Families Out Of Homes

Washington, DC — The following is a statement from John Taylor, President & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), on the Administration’s plan for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:

“The only measure for the success of this plan is whether or not all creditworthy borrowers have the opportunity to purchase a home. If working class families are locked out of homeownership, and we end up with a housing finance system that serves only the well-heeled, then we will have failed miserably.

“Historically, working class people have had access to private sector capital in order to purchase a home, with guarantees by the government to ensure affordability. The Administration’s plan, by emphasis and omission, suggests that this country’s commitment to ensuring homeownership for working families will be lessened.

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Rebuilding Communities in Economic Distress (REO Report)

NCRC released its latest report: “Rebuilding Communities in Economic Distress: Local Strategies to Sustain Homeownership, Reclaim Vacant Properties, and Promote Community-Based Employment.” This report will be of interest to local community, housing and economic development entities and their stakeholders, as well as to policy makers at every level looking to replicate best practices in community

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Community Organizations Weigh in on the Community Reinvestment Act

Hundreds of NCRC members expected to comment and testify before bank regulators this summer Atlanta, GA – Today, eight members of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition testified before the bank regulatory agencies regarding ways to improve the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) to leverage hundreds of billions of dollars more in private investments for job creation

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