

The New York Times: If ‘All Models Are Wrong,’ Why Do We Give Them So Much Power?

If you talk to many of the people working on the cutting edge of artificial intelligence research, you’ll hear that we are on the cusp of a technology that will be far more transformative than simply computers and the internet, one that could bring about a new industrial revolution and usher in a utopia — or perhaps pose the greatest threat in our species’s history.

The New York Times: If ‘All Models Are Wrong,’ Why Do We Give Them So Much Power? Read More »

Lending And The LGBTQ+ Community: Creating A Fair Marketplace For Queer Borrowers

Just Economy Conference – May 12, 2021 The common stereotype that LGBTQ+ people live in fabulous homes and enjoy luxurious lifestyles is a myth. LGBTQ+ people are more likely to live in poverty, and less likely to own their homes. A recent NCRC study showed that same-sex couples are less likely to be approved for

Lending And The LGBTQ+ Community: Creating A Fair Marketplace For Queer Borrowers Read More »

Wiki.Ezivid.com: 6 Organizations Supporting Communities Across The US

All across the nation, many communities are struggling with issues such as poverty, homelessness, and hunger. Fortunately, there are numerous groups working to support the people living in and around their region. In no particular order, here are some organizations dedicated to empowering and providing relief for those in need.

Wiki.Ezivid.com: 6 Organizations Supporting Communities Across The US Read More »

Framingham Source: Senators Warren & Markey Re-Introduce Legislation To Confront America’s Housing Crisis

Last week Unites States Senators reintroduced the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act to help bring down costs for renters and buyers, level the playing field so working families everywhere can find a decent place to live at a decent price, reduce exclusionary zoning laws, and take a step towards addressing the effects of decades of housing discrimination on communities of color.

Framingham Source: Senators Warren & Markey Re-Introduce Legislation To Confront America’s Housing Crisis Read More »

Indianapolis Recorder: Report recommends Indy gets more aggressive to ensure equitable development, prevent displacement

A report released by the Department of Metropolitan Development and a national nonprofit recommends the city enact policies such as making the new rent assistance program permanent and supporting the development of community land trusts to prevent displacement.

Indianapolis Recorder: Report recommends Indy gets more aggressive to ensure equitable development, prevent displacement Read More »

Zillow Research: Housing Gains Could Increase Black Wealth More than Half a Trillion Dollars by 2031

The Black-white wealth gap has widened over the past decade-plus: The typical Black household currently has less than a quarter (23.3%) of the wealth of a typical white household, down from more than a third (34.6%) before the Great Recession.

Zillow Research: Housing Gains Could Increase Black Wealth More than Half a Trillion Dollars by 2031 Read More »

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