

The Washington Post: Credit Scores are Supposed to Be Race-Neutral. That’s Impossible.

A 2018 study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found that “while overt redlining is illegal today, having been prohibited under the Fair Housing Act of 1968, its enduring effect is still evident in the structure of U.S. cities.”

The Washington Post: Credit Scores are Supposed to Be Race-Neutral. That’s Impossible. Read More »

The Colorado Sun: Black-Owned Businesses Weighed Down by Coronavirus Struggle to Stay Afloat

Researchers affiliated with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition sent “mystery shoppers” to banks in the Washington, D.C., area in April and May. They found that white applicants — white men in particular — were significantly more likely to be encouraged to apply for Paycheck Protection Program loans than Black applicants with slightly better financial profiles.

The Colorado Sun: Black-Owned Businesses Weighed Down by Coronavirus Struggle to Stay Afloat Read More »

Overcoming barriers to a Just Economy: Nikole Hannah-Jones on Reparations and White discomfort

“Reparations doesn’t say White people haven’t worked hard and White people haven’t struggled, [but] you grew up in a country that has been working for your success, not against it,” said Nikole Hannah-Jones.

Overcoming barriers to a Just Economy: Nikole Hannah-Jones on Reparations and White discomfort Read More »

Democrat and Chronicle: Report Ties Redlining in Rochester City Neighbourhoods to Susceptibility to COVID

The report by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition shows that life expectancies vary in Rochester by about five years between redlined and high-rated neighborhoods, according to government classifications dating from the 1930s.

Democrat and Chronicle: Report Ties Redlining in Rochester City Neighbourhoods to Susceptibility to COVID Read More »

The Detroit News: Kamala Harris’ Claims on COVID-19 Businesses Loans Not Whole Truth

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition, an organization that works to promote investment in underserved communities, said in July the federal government’s data was “so flawed it is virtually useless to assess if there was any bias in how the money was distributed or how much money went to specific communities.”

The Detroit News: Kamala Harris’ Claims on COVID-19 Businesses Loans Not Whole Truth Read More »

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