
Press Releases

For interviews and other media requests, contact: media@ncrc.org

Community Organizations Celebrate First Financial’s $1.75 Billion Community Development Plan

WASHINGTON, DC – First Financial Corp., a regional bank headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, has committed $1.75 billion to a Community Development Plan negotiated with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and a coalition of community organizations in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. The plan, beginning in 2018, includes mortgage and small business lending in low- and moderate-income

Community Organizations Celebrate First Financial’s $1.75 Billion Community Development Plan Read More »

NCRC Statement on CFPB’s Rule on Abusive Payday and Car Title Lending

Washington, DC – Today, in response to the release of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) rule to protect consumers from abusive payday and car title loans, NCRC President and CEO John Taylor made the following statement.   “We applaud the CFPB for taking this crucial step to protect consumers.  This will help stop abusive practices that trap working class consumers

NCRC Statement on CFPB’s Rule on Abusive Payday and Car Title Lending Read More »

HMDA data reveals the nation’s biggest banks massively reduced their lending to working class Americans in 2016

Washington, DC – Today, in reaction to the release of the 2016 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) President and CEO John Taylor made the following statement. “Home ownership is the primary means by which America built the largest and wealthiest middle class in the world, a legacy that is

HMDA data reveals the nation’s biggest banks massively reduced their lending to working class Americans in 2016 Read More »

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and regional housing, banking and community leaders to address Oregon’s affordable housing crisis at #ReinvestOregon Summit

The Oregon Reinvestment Summit, taking place October 2, 2017 in Portland, Oregon, will bring together rural and urban community-based organizations to address Oregon’s affordable housing crisis. The summit will include representatives from fair housing organizations, community development corporations, and policy organizations to explore how to best expand economic opportunities for all Oregonians. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler will be a keynote speaker. In Portland

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and regional housing, banking and community leaders to address Oregon’s affordable housing crisis at #ReinvestOregon Summit Read More »

NCRC Condemns President Trump’s decision to end the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) program

Washington, DC– In response to the Administration’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, NCRC’s President and CEO, John Taylor made the following statement. “NCRC cannot accept this reprehensible decision and imposition on our Dreamer friends and neighbors. Hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants will be deported if Congress does not

NCRC Condemns President Trump’s decision to end the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) program Read More »

NCRC Statement on Hurricane Harvey

Washington, DC – The National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s thoughts and prayers are with the families of Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana who are experiencing continuous and unprecedented flooding from Hurricane Harvey. Over six million people, more than the population of 33 individual states, live in the areas impacted by the storm. “The NCRC community is

NCRC Statement on Hurricane Harvey Read More »

NCRC Statement on the U.S. Treasury’s Report

Washington, DC – Today,  in response to the U.S Treasury Department’s report on the financial system, NCRC’s President and CEO John Taylor made the following statement: “Obviously, we are disappointed by the Treasury report’s recommendations to repeal several key consumer protections.” “These recommendations, if adopted, affect the structure and authorities of the Consumer Financial Protection

NCRC Statement on the U.S. Treasury’s Report Read More »

Affordable Housing Advocates and Small Lenders Join Together is Applauding Dir. Mel Watt Commitment to Shoring Up the Reserves at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Washington, DC – Leaders of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), Community Home Lenders Association (CHLA), Community Mortgage Lenders of America (CMLA), Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Leading Builders of America, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), NAACP and the National Urban League released the following joint statement in anticipation of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s testimony before the U.S. Senate Banking

Affordable Housing Advocates and Small Lenders Join Together is Applauding Dir. Mel Watt Commitment to Shoring Up the Reserves at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Read More »

NCRC Applauds FHFA Director Watt’s Call for GSEs to Retain Their Profits

Washington, DC – Today, in response to Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Director Mel Watt’s testimony before Congress warning of a possible bailout of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) from the U.S. Department of Treasury and supporting retention of the GSEs’ profits rather than turning them over to the U.S. Treasury, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s

NCRC Applauds FHFA Director Watt’s Call for GSEs to Retain Their Profits Read More »

NCRC Testifies at CFPB Field Hearing on Small Business Lending Trends

Washington, DC – Today, National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) Senior Advisor Josh Silver testified before a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) field hearing regarding small business lending trends. In the testimony, NCRC detailed the difficulties that many women-, minority-owned, and very small businesses experience accessing small business lending. NCRC also discussed the benefits of the

NCRC Testifies at CFPB Field Hearing on Small Business Lending Trends Read More »

Rural Communities and Several Major Urban Areas Bear Brunt of Bank Branch Closures Since Financial Crisis With Emergence of 86 New ‘Banking Deserts,’ NCRC Report Says

Maryland, Nevada, Georgia experience largest state-level declines in bank branches, NCRC report says. Biggest county-level declines in Baltimore County, Md.; Marion County, Ind.; Philadelphia, Pa. Click here to visit the web tool. Washington, DC – Due to the closure of more than 6,000 bank branches nationwide since the financial crisis, rural communities around the country are experiencing a troubling

Rural Communities and Several Major Urban Areas Bear Brunt of Bank Branch Closures Since Financial Crisis With Emergence of 86 New ‘Banking Deserts,’ NCRC Report Says Read More »

NCRC Responds to Release of Financial CHOICE Act 2.0

Washington, DC – Today, in response to the release of the Financial CHOICE Act 2.0 by the Chair of the House Financial Services Committee, Jeb Hensarling, NCRC’s President and CEO John Taylor made the following statement. “This bill is a disaster in the making. It should be called the ‘The NO-CHOICE Act;’ it removes people’s access

NCRC Responds to Release of Financial CHOICE Act 2.0 Read More »

NCRC Responds to President Trump Declaring April as National Financial Capability Month

Washington, DC – Today, in response to President Trump’s declaration of April as National Financial Capability Month, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s (NCRC) President and CEO John Taylor made the following statement. “Through this declaration, President Trump has announced his support of financial capability for working Americans, but actions taken by him and some members

NCRC Responds to President Trump Declaring April as National Financial Capability Month Read More »

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