
In the News

Links to media coverage of NCRC.
To request an interview with NCRC experts, send a note to: media@ncrc.org.

Reveal: We exposed modern-day redlining in 61 cities. Find out what’s happened since

Reveal, October 25, 2018: We exposed modern-day redlining in 61 cities. Find out what’s happened since  Across the country, officials have picked up the torch at the state and local levels. The response has been greatest in Philadelphia, the city most prominently featured in the Reveal report, where lawmakers, community activists and lenders have all responded. On

Reveal: We exposed modern-day redlining in 61 cities. Find out what’s happened since Read More »

Associated Press: Wells Fargo pledges $1.6 billion in lending and philanthropy to help revitalize Washington, D.C. neighborhoods

“This is an important step by Wells Fargo to expand its investment in the District, and to listen and work more closely with community groups,” said John Taylor, President and founder of NCRC.

Associated Press: Wells Fargo pledges $1.6 billion in lending and philanthropy to help revitalize Washington, D.C. neighborhoods Read More »

The Morning Call: Your View: Law promotes homeownership in poor Lehigh Valley neighborhoods. Why weaken it?

“If you want to help fight back, go to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s website (ncrc.org), where you will find resources to help you comment on the proposed rules. It will only take a few minutes and, I assure you, it will make a huge difference.”

The Morning Call: Your View: Law promotes homeownership in poor Lehigh Valley neighborhoods. Why weaken it? Read More »

CNBC: Trump’s ‘opportunity zones’ are popular with investors, but they might offer less benefits to voters

“There’s very little in the way of ensuring that the social impact of what comes out of this is beneficial to low-income communities,” said Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.

CNBC: Trump’s ‘opportunity zones’ are popular with investors, but they might offer less benefits to voters Read More »

The Philadelphia Tribune: Reinvest Philly Summit wants to open doors to economic opportunities

“It requires all of us working together at the intersection of multiple sectors to see the kind of transformation this country needs,” said Jenn Jones, NCRC’S chief of membership and policy. “We spend a lot of time talking about the importance of engaging this November but really the work begins before November and it comes far after November. And, it starts in our communities; it starts in our neighborhoods; it starts with people.”

The Philadelphia Tribune: Reinvest Philly Summit wants to open doors to economic opportunities Read More »

Market Watch: A decade after the housing crisis, foreclosures still haunt homeowners

“The foreclosure crisis really started as a subprime lending crisis,” Van Tol said, referring to the extremely risky loans lenders made to borrowers with less-than-stellar credit in the lead up to the crisis. “Low-and-moderate income people and people of color were disproportionately targeted for these bad loans.”

Market Watch: A decade after the housing crisis, foreclosures still haunt homeowners Read More »

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