
In the News

Links to media coverage of NCRC.
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CityLab: Ben Carson’s new push against fair-housing rules has a NIMBY twist

“We’re all for ideas to remove obstacles to inclusive communities, including regulatory burdens that stand in the way of desegregation,” said Jesse Van Tol, CEO for the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, in a statement. “But we’re concerned that HUD is taking action to remove regulations, while not meaningfully addressing America’s deep problems of segregation and inequality.”

CityLab: Ben Carson’s new push against fair-housing rules has a NIMBY twist Read More »

Charleston Gazette: Macabe Keliher: A state bank could democratize capital, not only for pot, but for WV

West Virginia businesses are finding it increasingly hard to raise capital for investment. Nationally, each of the state’s 55 counties rank in the lowest quintile for loan access, leading the National Community Reinvestment Coalition to categorize the state as a “lending desert.”

Charleston Gazette: Macabe Keliher: A state bank could democratize capital, not only for pot, but for WV Read More »

Urban Affairs Forum: Urban gathering addresses bottom-up politics

The symposium featured three invited speakers: Phil Thompson, Deputy Mayor of New York City; the Honorable Philip Caroom, retired Judge of the Maryland Circuit Court and member of the Executive Committee of the Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform (MAJR), and Jesse Van Tol, Chief Operating Officer of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC).

Urban Affairs Forum: Urban gathering addresses bottom-up politics Read More »

DCist: D.C. Councilmember Wants To Do Away With Cashless Restaurants

Not accepting cash “means effectively that you’re not equally serving all people, and that has an impact in terms of race, income, and age,” says Jesse Van Tol, the CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. “Aside from a disproportionate impact on low income and younger people, immigrants are also less likely to have a credit card and more likely to use cash.”

DCist: D.C. Councilmember Wants To Do Away With Cashless Restaurants Read More »

CityLab: How HUD could reverse course on racial discrimination

“This new advance notice of proposed rulemaking appears to ask the kinds of questions that you might ask if you were trying to water down a rule,” says Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a nonprofit that promotes fair practices in lending and housing. “Are there loopholes that should be provided? Is the rule burdensome?”

CityLab: How HUD could reverse course on racial discrimination Read More »

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