
On Our Radar

A curated collection of links to news, analysis, trends, ideas and views from elsewhere.

The Atlantic: Elite colleges constantly tell low-income students that they do not belong

Elite colleges and universities have subtle, but clear, ways of creating class systems that exclude and/or embarrass low-income students, such as making students who want to earn money clean the bathrooms of their peers. Although these practices are far from new, they have been accentuated during recent court cases of wealthy parents buying their children’s way into these top schools.

The Atlantic: Elite colleges constantly tell low-income students that they do not belong Read More »

The Washington Post: Facebook agrees to overhaul targeted advertising system for job, housing and loan ads after discrimination complaints

As a response to substantial evidence of advertising discrimination, Facebook has announced that it will no longer provide certain demographic information such as gender, zip codes or anything that can be used to indicate race, from housing, credit and employment advertisers.

The Washington Post: Facebook agrees to overhaul targeted advertising system for job, housing and loan ads after discrimination complaints Read More »

Montgomery Advertiser: Southern Poverty Law Center fires co-founder Morris Dees

The Southern Poverty Law Center fired Morris Dees, the nonprofit civil rights organization’s co-founder and former chief litigator.SPLC President Richard Cohen said in a statement Dees’ dismissal over his misconduct was effective on Wednesday, March 13. When pressed for details on what led to the termination, the organization declined to elaborate.

Montgomery Advertiser: Southern Poverty Law Center fires co-founder Morris Dees Read More »

MarketWatch: CFPB director gets pressed on whether she can calculate APR

Rep. Katie Porter, D-CA, pulls out her self-authored textbook and a calculator during a House Financial Services Committee hearing because CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger did not give the definition of ‘annual percentage rate’ (APR) that was sufficient for Porter. Porter also gave Kraninger a practice problem where the director was asked to find the APR. The director would not, or could not, answer the question.

MarketWatch: CFPB director gets pressed on whether she can calculate APR Read More »

The New York Times: JPMorgan Chase stops funding private prison companies, and immigration activists applaud

JPMorgan Chase & Company announced that it will stop financing private operators of prisons and detention centers, possibly as a response to Trump’s administration increasing its attempts to detain undocumented migrants in privately run prisons or due to public pressure to do so.

The New York Times: JPMorgan Chase stops funding private prison companies, and immigration activists applaud Read More »

Tech Crunch: Omidyar Network spins out its fintech investment arm as Flourish, with up to $300 million

After twelve years spent investing in impact-oriented financial services startups around the globe, the Omidyar Network, which serves as the family investment office for eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, is spinning off its financial inclusion investment arm as Flourish Ventures.

Tech Crunch: Omidyar Network spins out its fintech investment arm as Flourish, with up to $300 million Read More »

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