WEAU News: Affordable housing crisis affects local community member

“My income is now $1,077 per month, which according to guidelines, would mean that I could afford a $300 a month apartment which included utility costs,” Brown said. “Obviously there isn’t anything in Eau Claire or anywhere else probably in the country that fits those criteria.”

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The Brookings Institute: Bloomberg’s comments on redlining distort a history of racism

We see the consequences of this stigma not only in our neighborhoods, but in our families. Black people in redlined neighborhoods were robbed of the ability to improve their homes and communities because the government only facilitated investment, development and growth in White suburbs.

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Nonprofit Quarterly: Proposed CRA Changes Threaten Access To Capital In Underserved Communities

Picture this: under the proposed regulations, a bank that invests in upgrading an athletic stadium located in a low- and moderate-income census tract, as long as it is in one of the Trump Administration’s “opportunity zones,” will get CRA credit.

Nonprofit Quarterly: Proposed CRA Changes Threaten Access To Capital In Underserved Communities Read More »

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