
What’s next in Community Reinvestment Act reform?

In 2018, NCRC and hundreds of its members led a nationwide campaign called #TreasureCRA, urging the administration and the federal bank agencies to strengthen the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). We still have big questions about the changes needed to keep pace with technology and the transforming financial industry. We will have a lively discussion among

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There is no wealth without mental health

Poverty is an overwhelming risk factor for poor mental health. Healthy communities often focus on the connection between physical health and place. Far fewer have connected place to mental, emotional and behavioral well-being. Local efforts from Oakland to Baltimore illustrate the community-wide health equity benefits of cross-sector partnerships – such as trauma-informed systems, reduction of

There is no wealth without mental health Read More »

Yep, predatory lending still exists

Recent deregulation has caused a return of predatory products flooding the marketplace, including NINJA financing and auto, payday and PACE loans with exorbitant pricing. These products continue to be problematic for borrowers and prey on LMI and communities of color. We will explore how these products can continue to be prevalent 10 years after the

Yep, predatory lending still exists Read More »

AL.com: Mayor: Economic growth that’s equitable and inclusive

AL.com, April 24, 2019: Mayor: Economic growth that’s equitable and inclusive As mayor, I have been intentional about embracing downtown development and driving an inclusive economy that empowers Birmingham residents to take control of their own economic future. This year, we secured a $25 million commitment from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition for affordable housing.

AL.com: Mayor: Economic growth that’s equitable and inclusive Read More »

PATCH: New Map Shows Gentrification In Minneapolis

PATCH, April 24, 2019: New Map Shows Gentrification In Minneapolis A new interactive map shows which Minneapolis neighborhoods have been gentrified and, consequently, which groups of people were ultimately forced out of their homes. The map was included as part of a major new study published last month by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a

PATCH: New Map Shows Gentrification In Minneapolis Read More »

WESA: Can Pittsburgh attract new residents without losing the old?

WESA, April 12th, 2019: Can Pittsburgh attract new residents without losing the old? Pittsburgh has historically been a city concerned about too many people leaving, but these days, concerns have shifted to what types of people are coming into the city. A study out last month by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition called Pittsburgh one

WESA: Can Pittsburgh attract new residents without losing the old? Read More »

Virginia Mercury: In fight over affordable housing, some lawmakers aren’t worried about gentrification; ‘I want to up the property values’

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition indicated that three areas of Virginia are among the top ten most intensely gentrified cities. This report was released a few months after Amazon announced to build its second headquarters in Virginia Beach, which now has some residents worried about possible gentrification.

Virginia Mercury: In fight over affordable housing, some lawmakers aren’t worried about gentrification; ‘I want to up the property values’ Read More »

The New York Times: I used to work for Google. I am a conscientious objector.

Complaints from a single rank-and-file engineer aren’t going to lead a company to act against its significant financial interests. But history shows that dissenters — aided by courts or the court of public opinion — can sometimes make a difference

The New York Times: I used to work for Google. I am a conscientious objector. Read More »

By 2021, big changes for interest rates could spell trouble for borrowers

By 2021, the most popular and widely-used interest-rate benchmark, the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), will no longer exist as a benchmark for the $2 trillion in outstanding loans in the United States. In its place will most likely be the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), which is broadly considered to be more robust and realistic than LIBOR. Nearly every borrower in the country that is paying off debt that is set based on the LIBOR will be affected by this change.

By 2021, big changes for interest rates could spell trouble for borrowers Read More »

Governing: When no news isn’t good news: what the decline of newspapers means for government

Recent academic studies show that newspaper closures and declining coverage of state and local government in general have led to more partisan polarization, fewer candidates running for office, higher municipal borrowing costs and increased pollution.

Governing: When no news isn’t good news: what the decline of newspapers means for government Read More »

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