
HuffPost: Fight to save Black culture in gentrifying D.C. continues after Go-Go victory

A report released by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition addressed some negative impacts of gentrification, such as displacement. In Washington, D.C., — the city with the highest intensity of gentrification — local residents have been combating cultural displacement in a cell-phone store that stopped playing Go-Go music due to complaints from new residents.

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New report details policy proposals to bridge the racial wealth divide

The racial wealth divide is greater today than it was nearly four decades ago and trends point to its continued widening. A new report, “Ten Solutions to Bridge the Racial Wealth Divide,” released by the Institute for Policy Studies and Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, takes stock of the problem and offers ten bold solutions.

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Sabrina Terry

Chief, Programs and Strategic Development sterry@ncrc.org 202-464-2717 Sabrina Terry is NCRC’s Chief of Programs and Strategic Development. She will be leading strategy and resource development for special initiatives, supporting the executive team form and manage industry councils and will take over leading the Race, Wealth and Community team. Prior to NCRC, Sabrina was the senior

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Framingham Source: VIDEO: Senators Warren and Markey and Collegues Reintroduce Historic Legislation to Confront America’s Housing Crisis

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition and other national organizations endorsed the American Housing and Mobility Act — which controlled the cost of renting or buying a home, reduced the cost of housing, provided assistance to those hurt by Federal housing policies, and provided nondiscriminatory policy practices for financial and housing institutions.

Framingham Source: VIDEO: Senators Warren and Markey and Collegues Reintroduce Historic Legislation to Confront America’s Housing Crisis Read More »

Baltimore Fishbowl: Study: Baltimore has seen one of the highest rates of gentrification in the U.S.

From 2000 to 2013, Baltimore experienced the fifth highest rate of gentrification in the United States, ranking behind bustling cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia, according to a new study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), a nonprofit that tries to steer investment into underserved communities.

Baltimore Fishbowl: Study: Baltimore has seen one of the highest rates of gentrification in the U.S. Read More »

Virginia Mercury: As he talks equity, Gov. Northam continues to ignore Union Hill

In light of the racist comments made by the Governor of Virginia, it revealed the racist roots of Virginia. Even 50 years after Congress passed the Fair Housing Act and banned these discriminatory practices, a massive study was released by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, which researched how redlined communities have or have not changed over the years.

Virginia Mercury: As he talks equity, Gov. Northam continues to ignore Union Hill Read More »

NewsOne: Gentrified D.C. tries to whitewash Chocolate City by targeting go-go music

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition released a report showing that Washington, D.C. was the most gentrified city between the years 2000-2013. Recently, there has been complaints from “new” residents about go-go music playing in a cell phone store but local residents, who have had no problem with the music for decades, have came together to create a petition to keep the music playing.

NewsOne: Gentrified D.C. tries to whitewash Chocolate City by targeting go-go music Read More »

CityLab: Where gentrification is an emergency, and where it’s not

CityLab, April 5th, 2019: Where gentrification is an emergency, and where it’s not Ron Daniels, president of the Baltimore-based civil-rights network Institute of the Black World 21st Century, assembled a group of some of the foremost African American social-justice advocates, thinkers and influencers to Newark this weekend for an emergency summit on gentrification. The emergency

CityLab: Where gentrification is an emergency, and where it’s not Read More »

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