
Community Reinvestment Act

NCRC comment on OCC scoring methodology

(Download) February 2, 2021 RE: NCRC Comments on Docket ID OCC 2020–0025, Community Reinvestment Act regulations, methodology for determining thresholds on general performance standards To Whom it May Concern: The National Community Reinvestment Coalition, an association of community-based organizations dedicated to increasing lending and investing in underserved communities, opposes the Office of the Comptroller of

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Initial NCRC Analysis of OCC Proposal to Establish Thresholds for its New CRA Measures

The OCC has proposed yet another data collection effort to develop thresholds for its flawed 2020 Community Reinvestment Act final rule. This is another tacit admission by the OCC that  all along it has lacked the data and factual basis for developing its flawed revisions to CRA examination performance measures. Instead of creating more consistency

Initial NCRC Analysis of OCC Proposal to Establish Thresholds for its New CRA Measures Read More »

Study: Proposed Rule Changes to CRA Would Let Banks Lend Less to LMI Borrowers and Communities

Nearly all banks that earned passing marks under current rules would be able to reduce their mortgage lending to low- and moderate-income (LMI) borrowers and communities under new rules proposed for the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), a new study found.

Study: Proposed Rule Changes to CRA Would Let Banks Lend Less to LMI Borrowers and Communities Read More »

NCRC Applauds Federal Reserve’s Release of CRA Data

“We applaud the Federal Reserve’s release of CRA data. They are practicing transparency and we look forward to fully analyzing the data. We’re also curious what it may reveal or imply about the OCC and FDIC proposal. The OCC and FDIC have failed to release data they referenced in their rule proposal,” said Jesse Van Tol, CEO of NCRC.

NCRC Applauds Federal Reserve’s Release of CRA Data Read More »

Myths and Facts: A review of Otting testimony on proposed changes to the Community Reinvestment Act

The Comptroller of the Currency, Joseph M. Otting, submitted testimony in advance of his appearance before the House Financial Services Committee on Jan. 29, 2020. His testimony cited and challenged NCRC’s analysis of a proposal to overhaul rules that enforce the Community Reinvestment Act. This is NCRC’s response to Otting’s testimony.

Myths and Facts: A review of Otting testimony on proposed changes to the Community Reinvestment Act Read More »

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