
Community Reinvestment Act

The CFPB needs to keep easy access to HMDA data

Data is the sunlight that makes possible the fight against discrimination. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), however, is considering changing its method of disseminating loan data that would make it less readily available to the public and significantly hamper our collective ability to root out unfair and discriminatory practices.

The CFPB needs to keep easy access to HMDA data Read More »

Increasing community development financing data a necessary component for CRA reform

Data on community development lending and investing is lacking on a census tract level, making the information incomplete and difficult to assess. However, this is not the case for home mortgage lending data and small business loan data. If the federal regulatory agencies truly want to reform CRA, the first place to start is with better data. It would be a win-win for both banks and community organizations by facilitating identification of underserved areas. It would also further CRA’s objectives of directing access to credit and capital where it is needed most.

Increasing community development financing data a necessary component for CRA reform Read More »

Reveal: For people of color, banks are shutting the door to homeownership

Reveal exposes modern-day redlining is occurring in at least 61 US cities. In Philadelphia, black applicants there were almost three times as likely to be denied a conventional home purchase loan as white applicants. And this discrimination isn’t just a few banks, nearly two-thirds of mortgage lenders are still discriminating against clients of color.

Reveal: For people of color, banks are shutting the door to homeownership Read More »

Economic justice leaders urge strengthening of the Community Reinvestment Act during Treasury Department review 

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition, joined by almost 500 national and local organizations, today sent a set of recommendations to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Comptroller of the Currency Joseph M. Otting to strengthen the Community Reinvestment Act.

Economic justice leaders urge strengthening of the Community Reinvestment Act during Treasury Department review  Read More »

CNNMoney: Trump may weaken ‘outdated’ rules that force banks to lend to the poor

For years, banks have been fighting these requirements to lend to underprivileged people — and President Trump is listening as he continues his war on regulation. The irony is that these rules benefit the same “blue-collar people Donald Trump maintains he represents.

CNNMoney: Trump may weaken ‘outdated’ rules that force banks to lend to the poor Read More »

Would Trump’s CRA Reform Really “Do No Harm?”

Young doctors entering the medical field take the Hippocratic Oath requiring them to deliver quality and ethical care. This cardinal rule of medicine should be applied as the Trump administration mulls Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) reform. The first rule must be to “do no harm” and enact no “reform” that results in less lending and investing in underserved communities.

Would Trump’s CRA Reform Really “Do No Harm?” Read More »

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