

CRA Myth and Fact

Myth: The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) caused the foreclosure crisis. Facts: The majority of subprime loans were originated by non-CRA covered financial institutions. In fact, only about 25 percent of sub-prime loans were made by institutions covered by CRA.¹ CRA was passed in 1977.  The explosive growth in subprime lending occurred more than two decades

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NCRC COO Jim Carr Speaks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

In a recent speech at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Jim Carr, NCRC’s Chief Operating Officer, offered some thoughts on the future of the housing market. Jim prefaced his housing policy recommendations with a discussion of the current foreclosure crisis that he argues will impact housing and community development for years to come–particularly as

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NCRC Files Comments to SEC Seeking Greater Rating Agency Accountability

This week, NCRC filed comments to the SEC regarding proposed rules that will address how rating agencies are regulated.  These comments follow NCRC’s letter to the SEC in April asking for an investigation of the practices of the nation’s largest rating agency companies.  Click here to read NCRC’s filed comments, as well as its April

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NCRC Files Comments to Treasury Regarding Reform of GSEs

This week, NCRC filed comments to the US Department of Treasury and US Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding the future of the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), the regulation of the housing finance system, and the role of government in the finance system. Click here to download the Comments as a PDF

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About the National Training Academy

National Training Academy The National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s National Training Academy offers substantive state-of-the-art training and technical assistance both on-site and online via webinars. The extensive curriculum ranges from courses on The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), fair lending laws, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), Truth in Lending Act (TILA), Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA),

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