On Our Radar

A curated collection of links to news, analysis, trends, ideas and views from elsewhere.

The Verge: Automated background checks are deciding who’s fit for a home

Home leasing technology screens an applicant’s background and rejects those with a criminal history or having a high risk score. Housing departments and advocates are pushing for a more personal component in reviewing leasing applications to ensure that the leasing technology isn’t turning away applicants for absurd and easily explainable reasons.

The Verge: Automated background checks are deciding who’s fit for a home Read More »

The Atlantic: The white flight from football

The health risks associated with football are causing a racial divide. Affluent White parents are pulling their kids out of football at a higher rate than Black parents of low-moderate income. Children that can go to a highly funded school have the option of playing alternative sports; many of which aren’t offered at lower income schools.

The Atlantic: The white flight from football Read More »

Vox: 5 anti-poverty plans from 2020 Democratic presidential contenders, explained

Several Democratic presidential candidates have coalesced on a distinctive approach to fighting poverty — transferring people money — and are including it as part of bigger proposals that help poor and middle-class people alike, ensuring that these ideas have a more prominent spot in the campaign than past anti-poverty plans have had.

Vox: 5 anti-poverty plans from 2020 Democratic presidential contenders, explained Read More »

Washington Post: Warren to propose new ‘wealth tax’ on very rich Americans, economist says

Sen. Elizabeth Warren will propose a new ‘wealth tax’ which she believes will mitigate wealth inequality. Warren is said to be a representation for the entire Democratic Party of a shift leftwards on economic policy.

Washington Post: Warren to propose new ‘wealth tax’ on very rich Americans, economist says Read More »

Media Matters: What The Daily Wire gets wrong (and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets right) about algorithms and racism

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is at the front of another attack by conservatives. Ocasio-Cortez spoke out about the racial biases in facial recognition algorithms. After being mocked by conservative leaders, it turns out that she was right.

Media Matters: What The Daily Wire gets wrong (and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets right) about algorithms and racism Read More »

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