Politico: Bank Cop Faces Grassroots Resistance on Remake of Anti-redlining Law

“This is issue No. 1,” said Jesse Van Tol, who heads the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a collection of more than 600 groups that pressure banks to invest more in underserved communities. “We’re rallying everyone who cares about civil rights, affordable housing, community development and basic fairness to oppose these rules, and we aren’t alone.”

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Comment Period for CRA notice of proposed rulemaking now open

Today is the day, the clock is ticking, and we’ve got to mobilize everyone we know who cares about the economic health, wealth and justice in America’s communities. The government published today and opened up for public comments a plan to radically change and diminish the impact of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). Let’s make no

Comment Period for CRA notice of proposed rulemaking now open Read More »

Branch Closures – Fair Lending Report

Branch Closures Instructions for use:Branch changes are reported each week by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). This report identifies the closing and opening of customer-facing, brick and mortar or retail branch locations in the U.S. only. This interactive report allows the user to explore branch changes from 2000 through the current month.NCRC members can

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NCRC CEO Jesse Van Tol Statement on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for changes to the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule. While the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) is currently analyzing the NPRM, preliminary assessments are concerning. Jesse Van Tol, CEO of NCRC, made the following statement: “This proposal doesn’t

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NCRC’s Letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committees on Housing Counseling Budget Needs

(Download) December 13, 2019 The Honarable Nita Lowey 2365 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20005 The Honorable Kay Granger 1026 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20005 The Honorable Richard Shelby 304 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20005 The Honorable Patrick Leahy 437 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20005 Dear Chairs and Ranking

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ABCnews: How gun homicides could be linked to bleak outlook of the future: Study

Income inequality linked to gun violence, but unequal distribution of resources isn’t an accident. According to a study published last year by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, three out of four neighborhoods that were redlined in the United States decades ago continue to struggle economically.

ABCnews: How gun homicides could be linked to bleak outlook of the future: Study Read More »

American Banker: Will CRA revamp stimulate lending in down-and-out neighborhoods?

A group of community reinvestment groups, including the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, said in a joint statement last week that the proposal “utterly fails to achieve what were supposed to be the primary objectives of rule changes: greater clarity for lenders and better results for low- and moderate-income communities and people of color.”

American Banker: Will CRA revamp stimulate lending in down-and-out neighborhoods? Read More »

Newson6: Local Businesses Compete In Holiday Lights Contest while Combatting Escalating Retail Challenges

Additionally, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s recent study ranked DC as America’s most gentrified city, and commercial property owners are shifting property tax burden increases to tenants.

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