
Comment on CFPB RFI on data collection

December 21, 2018 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1700 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20552 Request for Information Regarding Bureau Data Collections Docket ID CFPB-2018-0031 To whom it may concern: This letter is in response to the request issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“the CFPB”) and listed as Docket No. CFPB-2018-0031 in the Federal

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Alyssa Wiltse

Senior Marketing Manager awiltse@ncrc.org 202-393-8309 Alyssa Wiltse is the Senior Marketing Manager for NCRC. She was previously NCRC’s Senior Media Manager. While she has always been passionate about social justice issues, Alyssa previously focused this passion on the international environmental sector, working for seven years as a journalist covering the global freshwater and sanitation crisis

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The Atlantic: Perhaps the most effective way to fight racism

The Atlantic, December 12, 2019: Perhaps the Most Effective Way to Fight Racism In White Right: Meeting With the Enemy, the filmmaker Deeyah Khan, a Muslim woman of color, recounts a television interview that she gave during the summer of 2016. “The fact of the matter is that the U.K. is never going to be

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The golden age of rich people not paying their taxes

The Atlantic, December 11, 2018:The Golden Age of Rich People Not Paying Their Taxes Rettig, a tax lawyer with decades of experience defending wealthy clients against the IRS, has been publicly noncommittal so far. Pressed by Democratic senators at his confirmation hearing, all he would say was that “one of [his] top priorities would be

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Curbed: Elizabeth Warren doubles down on affordable housing legislation

Curbed, December 11, 2018: Elizabeth Warren doubles down on affordable housing legislation Today, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) doubled down on her strategy to fix America’s housing crisis. Along with Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) and Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI), she introduced the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act to the House, a companion to a Senate bill Warren

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