
Gizmodo: Former manager says Facebook discriminates against, excludes black users and staff

A former Facebook strategic partner manager for global influencers, Mark S. Luckie, sent a 2,500 word memo to all of the company’s employees before his departure in November saying the company has “a black people problem,” the Guardian reported.

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American Banker: Cheat sheet: Hopes and hang-ups on CRA reform

“In general, we’ve been supportive of changing the assessment areas to account for today’s technology and banking system but we have not been in favor of allowing more banks to get more CRA credit,” Jesse Van Tol, chief executive of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, said in an interview.

American Banker: Cheat sheet: Hopes and hang-ups on CRA reform Read More »

Think Progress: Amazon could make it harder for people to find affordable homes in New York and Virginia

In the southern part of Arlington County, more than half of the households rent, which means many families could be displaced, Jesse Van Tol, chief executive of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, told The Washington Post.

Think Progress: Amazon could make it harder for people to find affordable homes in New York and Virginia Read More »

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