

Wall Street Pulling Out All the Stops to Maintain Veil of Secrecy

Wall Street Pulling Out All the Stops to Maintain Veil of Secrecy and Avoid Accountability Brought by Financial Reform Bill

Senate bill needs to get stronger to protect consumers

Washington, DC — As the Wall Street reform debate opens in the Senate, the financial services lobby is pulling out all the stops to weaken or even kill the financial reform bill.  On a mission to fight off oversight and accountability, Wall Street banks have already poured in millions of dollars, deployed over a thousand lobbyists, including former members of congress, all in efforts to fight off the bill and guard their lofty profits. The National Community Reinvestment Coalition urged the Senate today to fight on behalf of the American people for strong reform that ensures that the financial system is fair, transparent, and accountable.

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Study Shows Wall Street Pipeline Encouraged Risky, Abusive Loans


















Study of DC area loans reveals racial component to lending and foreclosure unexplained by objective underwriting criteria. 

Washington, DC – As financial reform works its way through the Senate, a new study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) indicates that subprime lending and subsequent resulting foreclosures were led by the private market and contained a clear racial component not explained by objective underwriting criteria. African American and Latino borrowers were more likely to receive a subprime loan, and to go into foreclosure, than similarly situated white homeowners, controlling for credit risk and other borrower, neighborhood and loan characteristics. The Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) appeared to have a moderating effect on risky and abusive lending practices; privately securitized loans went into foreclosure twice as often as loans backed by the GSEs. 

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John Taylor testifies on CRA before House Financial Services Committee


“Given the massive bailouts that Wall Street and the nation’s banks received from taxpayers to correct for predatory and reckless lending, Congress should mandate that the financial services industry give back to neighborhoods and communities they harmed by modernizing and expanding the Community Reinvestment Act,” said John Taylor, president & CEO of NCRC, in testimony on Thursday, April 15th, 2010.



John Taylor testifies on CRA before House Financial Services Committee Read More »

John Taylor testifies on CRA before House Financial Services Committee

hfsc_taylor_007a.jpgThe current foreclosure and economic crisis was caused in significant part by unregulated and risky lending. The federal government has obligated $23 trillion in rescuing the financial industry. Two major rationales motivated Congress to enact CRA in 1977. First, Congress believed that all creditworthy borrowers needed to have access to financial services regardless of their income class. It was true in 1977 and still true today that few working class, blue collar citizens can pursue their American Dream or build businesses without fair access to the financial system. Second, banks must have an obligation to serve their communities in return for FDIC deposit insurance and the full faith and backing of the American taxpayer. Today, both rationales must be applied to the entire industry since government financial and institutional support rescued the financial industry from its recklessness. In addition, a broad application of CRA can safeguard the financial industry and return it to profitability by requiring safe and sound lending and investments in neighborhoods.

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NCRC Commends Bank of America on Launching Principal Reduction Program

Washington, DC — In reaction to the news that Bank of America would launch a principal reduction program, John Taylor, president and CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, today made this statement: “Bank of America is to be commended for launching a program to reduce principal balances on loans that are underwater. Principal reduction

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Obama Administration Announces Changes to Foreclosure Prevention Programs

Washington, DC – Today the Obama Administration will announce changes to the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) and to FHA. John Taylor, president & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition made the following statement:

“The Administration has once again shown their willingness to go back to the drawing board to address programmatic challenges. The enhancements announced today will be helpful to unemployed borrowers and some homeowners who find themselves underwater.”

“But I’m not optimistic that the incentives will be enough to entice servicers and investors to reduce loan principals. Will they help seven million people who are at risk of foreclosure? I will be pleasantly shocked if investors step up for half a million borrowers. The real acceleration in the number of foreclosures prevented will come with mandatory principal writedowns.”

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Foreclosure Rescue Scams: A Nightmare complicating the American Dream” – A research study by NCRC

Today, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition released a report addressing the concerns surrounding foreclosure prevention rescue scams. The research study was conducted for a period of three months in mid-2009 using “fair lending matched pair testing” or mystery shopping” to assess the extent of the problem. Findings of the study demonstrate that an aggressive legislative

Foreclosure Rescue Scams: A Nightmare complicating the American Dream” – A research study by NCRC Read More »

Foreclosure Rescue Scams: A Nightmare Complicating the American Dream

The report addresses the concerns surrounding foreclosure prevention rescue scams. The research study was conducted for a period of three months in mid-2009 using “fair lending matched pair testing” or mystery shopping” to assess the extent of the problem. Findings of the study demonstrate that an aggressive legislative solution and added public and private oversights

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House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Looks at Making Home Affordable Shortfalls

Survey of Loan Modifications Reveals Troubling Trends  

Washington, DC – Today, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition will testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which has opened an investigation into Making Home Affordable, the federal foreclosure prevention program. As part of the Committee’s investigation, NCRC released a survey of homeowner experiences in the loan modification process, conducted by over 29 housing counseling organizations affiliated with the organization.

“We’ve surveyed housing counselors from the front lines of the foreclosure crisis, and they tell us that the battle is being lost.” said John Taylor, president & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. “While this administration has been more proactive than the last, Making Home Affordable is simply failing to make enough of a difference relative to the size of the problem. It’s not for lack of good ideas, including more aggressive principal reductions that this crisis has been allowed to continue mostly unabated. The end result, if we don’t get ahead of this problem now, is the ongoing loss of wealth from America’s communities.”

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NCRC Releases Small Business Lending Study (July 2010)

Small businesses are the driving force behind job creation, yet many struggle to find the capital they need to survive and grow. Women and minority-owned businesses face additional impediments. Today, we’re pleased to announce a new NCRC study, “Does CRA Small Business Lending Increase Employment: an Examination on a County Level.” The study looks at over 500 counties around the country, exploring the national impact of Community Reinvestment Act on small business lending.

NCRC Releases Small Business Lending Study (July 2010) Read More »

The Washington DC Women’s Business Center Opens its Doors in Nation’s Capitol


Washington, DC—The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) is pleased to announce the official launch of the Washington, DC Women’s Business Center (WBC) on March 23 at 3 p.m. at the John A. Wilson Building, located at 1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW (room 412). The event will be hosted by the Small Business Administration, the Washington, DC City Council, and NCRC. It will feature remarks from Karen Mills, Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration; Kwame Brown, At-large Member of the Washington, DC City Council; and Christina Tchen, Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls.

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