
Posts about NCRC research.

Racial Wealth Snapshot: Immigration And The Racial Wealth Divide

There has been a steady increase in foreign-born immigrants throughout the decades. In 1980, foreign-born immigrants accounted for only 5% of the US population. According to the 2020 Current Population Survey (CPS), immigrant parents and their US-born children make up 85.7 million of the US population, or around 26% of the US population.

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Columbia at 55: Creeping Segregation and Lack of Affordable Housing Threatens A Legacy of Black/White Integration

Columbia represented case study in a new era of desegregation for American housing in the 1960s. These efforts at desegregation focused on easing the division of Black and White residential neighborhoods. While there has been exponential growth of the Asian and Hispanic communities of Columbia during the past three decades, this report focuses on the economic status of the Black community since development.

Columbia at 55: Creeping Segregation and Lack of Affordable Housing Threatens A Legacy of Black/White Integration Read More »

REDLINED: KeyBank Continues to Fail Black America Despite Its Commitments to Improve

KeyBank disregarded commitments to improve lending to Black homeowners and potential homeowners.  Federal data shows KeyBank now ranks at the bottom among the 50 largest mortgage lenders in the nation in the percentage of its borrowers who are Black, live in majority-minority or LMI neighborhoods and are people of color.

REDLINED: KeyBank Continues to Fail Black America Despite Its Commitments to Improve Read More »

Investing in Culturally-Significant Businesses and Community Growth

Arts and culture are an important component of overall quality of life for every person on earth. Access to cultural resources and connections – or the lack thereof – shapes many aspects of our nation’s society. It also influences economic outcomes, as economists who study the role of “human capital” in wealth-building and opportunity creation have identified.

Investing in Culturally-Significant Businesses and Community Growth Read More »

Racial Wealth Snapshot: Women, Men, and Racial Wealth Divide

This is one in a series of racial wealth snapshots. See more here. Download Infographic View Infographic Introduction Women have made great strides in the workplace, comprising nearly half of the workforce and surpassing men in higher education achievement. Yet women still earn less income, have less wealth and face greater economic instability than their

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Tracing the Legacy of Redlining: A New Method for Tracking the Origins of Housing Segregation

Eighty years after the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) formally drew its redlining maps, those neighborhoods are still high minority population areas with the highest rates of vacancy in their metropolitan areas.

Tracing the Legacy of Redlining: A New Method for Tracking the Origins of Housing Segregation Read More »

The Great Consolidation of Banks and Acceleration of Branch Closures Across America

In the ten years from March 2010 through March 2020, there was a net loss of 11,820 branches in the US, an average of 98.5 per month. Since the pandemic reached our shores in March 2020, 4,025 branches have closed — an average of 201 branch closures per month. This was beyond our prediction and calls into question the future of bank branches as the principal conduit for access to financial services.

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Racial Wealth Snapshot: Native Americans

The United States has too often hindered Native American advancement, not advanced it. Through years of intentional governmental policies that removed lands and resources, American Indians have been separated from the wealth and assets that were rightfully theirs.

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