
How fines, fees and the criminalization of debt strip wealth

Cities across the U.S. are increasingly seeking to balance their budgets and fund their criminal justice systems through ticketing, fees and fines. Attendees will gain an understanding of the various ways governments extract excessive fines and fees and the disparate impact on low-income communities and communities of color. They will also gain an understanding of […]

How fines, fees and the criminalization of debt strip wealth Read More »

Community Reinvestment Act basics

Banks are critical community partners and can be a catalyst for change in your neighborhood, particularly when public resources shrink. This session explores how the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) can be used to increase reinvestment in your communities. Find out how banks are rated on CRA exams and how you can influence that rating. Learn

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Community control of land & housing

This session will focus on issues such as displacement borne out of policies and impacts of Community Land Trusts, Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives, Community Benefit Agreements, Resident Owned Communities and Land Banks. Learn from practitioners innovating in this space, and hear recommendations for ways anchor institutions can support the scaling up of these strategies. MODERATOR:

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Land banks on steroids: How to disrupt speculation in your community

Attendees who have a land bank will be inspired by hearing three success stories on utilizing land banks to preserve affordable housing as a strategy to return vacant properties to productive use. Attendees who don’t have a land bank will want to create one to implement these creative strategies in their own markets. The speakers

Land banks on steroids: How to disrupt speculation in your community Read More »

With our powers combined: Integrating housing and workforce development agreements

For decades, community development and workforce development practitioners worked in separate silos to create community benefits that would alleviate poverty and provide living wages to local residents. Community development practitioners often focused on getting banks to make investments in affordable housing, while labor organizers and workforce development practitioners focused on making sure large development projects

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Opportunity Zones: Whose opportunity is it?

The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act established a new community development program designating funding to areas called Opportunity Zones. Investors have their eyes on these profitable areas and forming new capital funds. Now, community leaders are asking if a reduction for taxpayers with high capital gains will actually benefit lower-income communities? Learn about the

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Disaster recovery triage: Assess, plan, execute

In the aftermath of a devastating event, what does community-focused rebuilding look like? Disaster recovery continues to be an important topic for our members as communities work conscientiously to redevelop after a disaster. Financial institutions have coordinated recovery efforts with community organizations, and the need to develop a model of disaster management and recovery persists.

Disaster recovery triage: Assess, plan, execute Read More »

So you want to start a Community Development Finance Institution?

What does it take to become a Community Development Finance Institution (CDFI)? How do you find funding for them? Is a CDFI a good fit for your community? This session will describe the decisions behind creating and growing a CDFI to best serve your community. MODERATOR: David Adame, President and CEO, Chicanos Por La Causa,

So you want to start a Community Development Finance Institution? Read More »

Building economic security for women

Women often survive in a near constant state of financial duress, simultaneously juggling the costs of housing, childcare, caregiving, health care and more. This interactive session will include leading voices, participating in a table discussion of subtopics including workplace justice, childcare and universal preschool, affordable housing and aging and retirement. We will wrap up with

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Affordable homeownership: Organizing to create inventory and preserve affordability

The affordable home inventory shortage is a high priority issue for communities, builders, realtors and almost everyone involved in the housing industry, and yet we have not found a way to comprehensively address the problem. There are local, state and federal aspects that need to be addressed. There is a growing need to work between,

Affordable homeownership: Organizing to create inventory and preserve affordability Read More »

Sixth Age-Friendly Banking convening

The sixth Age-Friendly Banking convening brings together leaders and changemakers in financial institutions, community-based organizations, aging networks, financial regulators, law regulators and public health leaders to reflect on progress and develop new strategies for moving financial institutions to improve the financial well-being of low- and moderate-income  older adults.  MODERATOR: Nan Gibson, Executive Director of Public

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Crain’s Chicago Business: Gentrification an issue here? Sure, but not as much as elsewhere.

Though third-largest by population, Chicago ranked seventh in the number of census tracts that gentrified between 2000 and 2013, according to the report “Shifting Neighborhoods,” released last week by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, based in Washington D.C.

Crain’s Chicago Business: Gentrification an issue here? Sure, but not as much as elsewhere. Read More »

The Daily Pennsylvanian: Pennsylvania contributes heavily to nationwide gentrification, new study finds

The institute which conducted the study, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, defines gentrification as the process by which money is invested in lower-income areas, causing increased property values and the entrance of higher-income residents. In recent years, as Philadelphia’s former industrial districts like Fishtown and Kensington have risen in value, the displacement which followed has disproportionately affected Latino and black residents.

The Daily Pennsylvanian: Pennsylvania contributes heavily to nationwide gentrification, new study finds Read More »

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