small business

NCRC Supports COVID-19 Housing And Financial Protections For Individuals and Small Businesses

The coronavirus is quickly spreading across America, raising concerns that aren’t only health related. While the full economic implications of the disease are still unknown, what we do know is that the people who will face the biggest financial impacts of COVID-19 are the same people who are already financially strapped.

NCRC Supports COVID-19 Housing And Financial Protections For Individuals and Small Businesses Read More »

California Reinvestment Coalition, National Community Reinvestment Coalition and CIT Announce $7.75 Billion Community Benefits Plan

Lending and investments would total $7.75 billion over the 2020 to 2023 period and align with the combined retail branch footprint in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada and Texas.

California Reinvestment Coalition, National Community Reinvestment Coalition and CIT Announce $7.75 Billion Community Benefits Plan Read More »

Tests show inferior treatment of minority business owners at banks, and data shows a steep decline in government-backed lending to black entrepreneurs

Better-qualified black and Hispanic testers who shopped for small business loans at Los Angeles area bank branches were treated worse than less qualified white testers, a new study found. The study, from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), also found steep declines in government-backed lending to black business owners between 2008 and 2016.

Tests show inferior treatment of minority business owners at banks, and data shows a steep decline in government-backed lending to black entrepreneurs Read More »

Next City: “Mystery Shopper” Experiment Reveals Racial Gap in Small Business Lending

Earlier this year, in a large metropolitan area of the eastern United States, two men walked into the same bank branch on the same day, each at different times of the day.

They each came in with nearly identical business backgrounds and strong credit histories, and they each asked about a small business loan of $60,000-$70,000 to expand their business and to possibly hire a part-time employee. There were some key differences, like each man’s name and their company names — and their race.

Next City: “Mystery Shopper” Experiment Reveals Racial Gap in Small Business Lending Read More »

Letter from over 100 Groups and Advocates Calling on Members of Congress to Support Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act, Small Business Data Collection and Disclosure

Letter from over 100 Groups and Advocates Calling on Members of Congress to Support Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act, Small Business Data Collection and Disclosure (Download)

Letter from over 100 Groups and Advocates Calling on Members of Congress to Support Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act, Small Business Data Collection and Disclosure Read More »

Home Mortgage and Small Business Lending in Baltimore and Surrounding Areas

Home Mortgage and Small Business Lending in Baltimore and Surrounding Areas (Download PDF) This report, Home Mortgage and Small Business Lending in Baltimore and Surrounding Areas, details lenders’ abandonment of neighborhoods in Baltimore based upon the race of members of those neighborhoods and the preferences of lenders for white borrowers and majority white neighborhoods. Using

Home Mortgage and Small Business Lending in Baltimore and Surrounding Areas Read More »

Small Business Teaming Center

The Small Business Teaming Center (SBTC) supports the abilities of small businesses to pursue and win government contracts by creating a team of businesses that can work together to fulfill the requirements. Our services include: Opportunity Identification and Vetting, Facilitation of Teaming Agreements, and Capture Management. Contract OpportunitiesSBTC assists its clients to identify and develop

Small Business Teaming Center Read More »

NCRC, National Groups Ask Senate to Press CFPB on Small Business Loan Data

Washington, DC – Today, 19 national consumer and civil rights groups led by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) sent letters to members of the U.S. Senate asking them to sign on to Senator Cory Booker’s letter urging the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to issue rulemaking on small business loan data. Section 1071 of

NCRC, National Groups Ask Senate to Press CFPB on Small Business Loan Data Read More »

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